Friday, March 5, 2010

Psychic Reading Concepts - Ruling Out the Myths

By Tana Hoy

The art of psychic reading has always been a very intriguing subject. Why, you may ask. Simple, there is no logic and scientific reasoning behind the ways of a psychic reading -- but then, many people have faith in its mystical ways.

We cannot deny that skepticism has always surrounded the psychic realm; plus the fact that information passed on often gets altered somewhere along the way. So with this said, the reality is, not everything we hear about psychic concepts are true.

What is the real score behind the psychic reading concept? It is time to correct the wrong notions of this psychic concept, so that everyone will see the clear picture once and for all. Here are some common psychic reading myths that have been lingering since time immemorial:

3 General Psychic Reading Myths:

1. PSYCHIC READING IS JUST MERE MAKE BELIEVE OR WISHFUL THINKING. They are saying that psychic readers understand a lot of how a psychologist functions and that to please a person, you need to give a positive psychic reading to him or her and that the particular person would then "make believe" that it is all authentic. Simply put, a reading is all a "state of mind" -- when a person is told by a psychic about what will happen, one will tend to believe in that, and in turn, it will make the reading work out as planned. This information is so false! The truth is, a psychic reading can end up in either positive or negative, and either way, the psychic reader will express it to the person being read, and provide the related suggestions on what to do about the situation.

2. A PSYCHIC READING IS A COLD READING. When a person to be read enters the psychic's room, the psychic would then try to see and evaluate the things that he can with that person. Usually, a cold reading involves drawing conclusions or lucky guesses about a person from what you see. But mind you, psychics do not do cold readings. They have special gifts that allows them to gather information about a person through extrasensory means, even if the person is not in the same room with them!

3. THE RESULTS IN A PSYCHIC READING ARE JUST MADE UP. They are saying that psychics tell anything most likely to materialize to a person, provides the circumstance on how it will be brought, and that if it doesn't materialize, the reason is that the person did not comply with the conditions. Somewhat like commercials of shampoos. But much like the two earlier mentioned beliefs, this one is also not correct. Psychic reading is dependent on the person's energy or aura. Only psychics can easily see these things. But if the reality of it is in question, then just try it to make the experience the answer.

There are actually many other myths about psychic readings, there are even a number of ridiculous concepts like having a reading will jinx your good luck, and so on. Skeptics can device hundreds of wrong beliefs if they must. However, they still couldn't disprove the fact and the dependability of a psychic reading.

Sad to say, because of the many wrong notions about the psychic realm, many people do not faith in its ways. But then, if you think about it, there is no harm in trying to seek a psychic reading for yourself. As they say, the only way to find out the truth, is to know it first hand.

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