Sunday, March 28, 2010

An Introduction To Tarot - Free Tarot Readings

By Samantha Sanderson

You can use free tarot readings to help find a good tarot reader. Tarot reading is a skill and the skill in which individuals can read tarot cards will differ. If you are interested in tarot reading then you want to find a reader that know the proper way to interpret the tarot cards as well have having experience. Tarot cards contain two main groups; minor arcana cards and major arcane cards.

A tarot deck will have 78 cards. 22 of these cards are major arcana cards and the rest are minor arcana cards. The definition of arcana is something sacred or hidden and it is the job of the tarot reader to uncover what is hidden. The major arcana cards all associate to large issues in your life. They deal with major life issues such as birth and death and a reader will be able to interpret these in free tarot readings..

The minor arcana cards are divided into four different suits; cups, swords, wands and pentacles. These four suits represent the four elements. These minor arcane cards deal with more everyday issues and can provide direction on how to deal with different aspects of your life.

Some of the minor arcana cards are numbered while others are considered court cards and display the king, queen and jack. The layout of the cards will have different meanings that can be applied to your life which will be described in free tarot readings.

The interpretation of the tarot cards will differ depending on the different combinations and spread of the cards as well as the reader's skill. Much of tarot reading deals with symbolism and divination and the cards can be a tool that helps you understand concepts of your life or tell a story related to your life. Many tarot readers may use other rituals to help them read the tarot cards.

If you are interested in tarot then you should take advantage of the free readings that many offer as an introduction to their services. You can also learn a lot about tarot reading by watching someone interpret the cards.

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