Friday, March 12, 2010

A Compatibility Horoscope Leads To Greater Insight

By Brady Hill

Many people these days are looking to Astrology and Horoscopes to find some

measure of confirmation that they are headed in the right direction. A very popular area they

want information on is compatibility -- especially regarding romantic relationships.

Love relationships are considerably more complicated than other relationships

because they have a lot more variables. Plus, there's a heavy dose of emotions involved.

A professional compatibility horoscope can provide a far more objective look at their

relationship -- a less emotional look. It can separate the variables which make up their relationship

down into its' component parts which can then be examined separately.

Then, after all the analysis is complete, they are more able to make more rational

decisions about how to proceed with their relationship.

Now let's take a look at how a compatibility horoscope can assist people

with questions regarding their romantic relationship.

Let's suppose both you and your love interest are the same sign. Having the same

sign and characteristics can lead to a very harmonious relationship. On the other hand, it might also

result in a less-than-ideal relationship. Here's what a Gemini couple might look like.

If you're a Gemini you already know that you are a complex individual -- possibly the

most complex of all the signs. After all, you are your own twin! So now we're trying to

pair up 4 people (from an astrological viewpoint). The main edge you

possess is that both of you know what makes up a Gemini.

You both know that you are creative, intelligent, good communicators, and highly inquisitive. At the same time, you know that your duel personalities can shift with little notice. It's these

sudden changes that can be troublesome in a relationship. An in-depth compatibility horoscope can

provide you with greater insight into each others overall personality, and lead to some

"middle ground" wherein you'll both be happy.

Now let's see what happens when we combine a Gemini and a Pisces. At

least we're down to just 3 personalities instead of 4! Those born under Pisces

have a great imagination. They're very perceptive and patient. And they're sensitive

and seriously considerate of the feelings of other people. Their tremendous imagination will enhance the

inquisitiveness of their Gemini partner. Their ability to be patient will allow them to effectively cope with their

partners' somewhat unpredictable personality. And with their sensitivity to the others'

feelings, it's unlikely that they'll come "unglued" when their Gemini says or does things that they honestly

can't help. Still, with the complexity of relationships, things could very well take a different route.

Pisces people tend to lean a little towards obsessive/compulsive. This just might send a Gemini

right up the wall! And the tendency for the Gemini to be extremely blunt in voicing their

honest opinions can cause the Pisces to react the same way. Each of these people has much to offer,

and both are "right" in their own way. But deeper understanding on both sides will be

needed to enhance their compatibility.

In each of these examples, a complete compatibility horoscope would bring new insights into

each others most fundamental traits. This would provide a deeper understanding between them

at a profoundly deeper level. Love relationships can always use a little "tuneup" occasionally,

and understanding your partners' deepest traits can definitely make the

ultimate difference in building a long and happy relationship.

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