Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Get Accurate Psychic Readings Using Automatic Writing

By Tana Hoy

Accurate psychic readings can come in many forms. One of which is what comes out in a psychic state called automatic writing. It is a writing method that is done in a trance-like state, or without the conscious knowledge of the writer. It is somehow similar to speaking in tongues, which happens in certain religious practices, only this time, instead of uttering random words, the person is writing automatically. There are moments though, when the writer is aware of his or her surroundings, except the act of writing being done by his, or her hand. Because the person is said to be controlled by a power greater than his own, it is believed that authentic, and accurate psychic readings can be received through automatic writing.

2 Ways Where Automatic Writing Is Used

1.Therapy - Automatic writing is a tool in Psychology, hypothesized by Freud, as a person looks deeper into his being. By getting accurate psychic readings in this manner, the one writing is granted a deeper insight about his own self, his thoughts, his feelings, and even his most coveted secrets. It was by Pierre Janet in France who first applied this method. Later on, Morton Prince, and Anita Muhl, in the United States followed suit.

2. Religion - Aside from speaking in tongues, automatic writing is also utilized in New Age movement, and Spiritualism, as a type of channeling, another form of getting accurate psychic readings. During the 20th century, Helene Smith, a psychic who believed that her automatic writings were the attempts of Martians to send messages to humans, became very popular. She even claimed that she can translate into French the Martian language being sent to her.

Skeptics remained skeptical, of course. They assume that it's just another trickery to win people's admiration and get attention. They couldn't seem to figure out how one can get accurate psychic readings from automatic writing, when the subconscious can be induced to write things.

Skeptics surmise that whatever is produced during automatic writing couldn't be more meaningful than those written while being conscious of it. But then, skeptics didn't have any luck with automatic writing. They never even tried it.

But still, there are those gifted people who understand the power of automatic writing, and they've been looking for accurate psychic readings, to discover more information about t life's past, present, and future. It is also a means of getting confirmation of a message from a deceased person. Answers can be very dumbfounding. Be sure to ready yourself and always have an open mind.

Steps in Automatic Writing

Automatic writing can be done with a piece of pen and paper, or with the use of a computer. It doesn't matter whether what you're typing, or writing, is legible, or if it make any sense. Even typo errors can convey some kind of messages. You may also draw images instead of writing words. This is okay. Know that whatever form of writing that comes out from this activity, is a message from the beyond. If it's an accurate psychic reading though, only you will be able to judge that.

Do this activity at home. But for those seeking you have automatic answers now, better ask the help of a Psychic Medium. As soon as you find one, you are already widening your psychic sphere and opening yourself to more blessings by being able to talk to your Spirit Guides, and Guardian Angels rather than being surrounded by annoying entities who just want to mess with you. By asking for a Psychic Medium's help to give you accurate psychic readings, you no longer have to be put to a trance-like state. This is because Psychic Mediums possess a rare gift of being able to see supernatural beings and entities all the time.

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