Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Psychic Abilities? Believe It Or Not!

By Brady Hill

To many people the whole idea of so-called psychic abilities is controversial. It requires believing that humans are something more than a physical body. It also requires believing that we are essentially spititual beings. Apparently, as spirits we are somehow limited in what we can learn/experience on the spiritual level of existence. So we have to occupy a physical body to grow and learn.

That's a lot to believe considering the lack of empirical evidence. Yet millions of people worldwide admit to believing some version of this philosophy. The majority of the world religions postulate a very similar point of view. The Jewish and Christian belief systems both refer to this non-physical part of the human being as a "soul" or spirit. Eastern religions such as Buddhism, Taoism, Hindu etc. all see the physical body as something temporary and non-essential.

New Age philosophies strongly reject the notion that we are merely physical beings. So it does appear that the majority of we humans, at some level, do believe that we are more than just a biomechanical machine that just happened to evolve into consciousness.

This brings up the question "why do so many people believe there's more to us than just physical bodies?" Could we possibly just "know" this subconsciously? Plato (the Greek Philosopher) had an interesting idea on the subject. He called it the "Transmigration of Souls". In this theory he says that we are in fact spirits who come from some sort of spiritual existence prior to our being born. The traumatic experience of birth makes us forget our true nature. Through lifes' experiences then, we are able to learn and grow in a way that is impossible on the spiritual level alone. It also seems to suggest that we may in fact choose to experience life on earth as a physical being many times, so as to enhance our personal development.

The fact is, there may really be some modern-day support for this belief. As "crazy" as this sounds, there have been stories about little children describing places, experiences and people they've never actually experienced in their short lives. There have even been adults who have had the same thing happen while under hypnosis.

Dr. Michael Newton has written several top-selling books on this subject. As an accomplished hypnotist, he has compiled hundreds of documented case studies which simply can't be explained away as people's imagination. People under hypnosis do not lie or make things up. They simply report what they see and/or experience, no matter what the implications. It's not uncommon for such people to experience conflicts between their currently held religious beliefs, and that which they experience while under hypnosis.

Another thing that must be considered when questioning the validity of psychic abilities, is energy. "Everything is energy and energy is everything" says David Morehouse in his writings about Remote Viewing. Literally everything we experience, including our thoughts, is composed of energy. Solid matter is an illusion created by very dense fields of energy. This is scientific fact, and it must be taken into consideration when investigating the possibility of psychic abilities.

Psychic abilities are allegedly based upon the interaction between the energies of one person and another. It's something that goes on at the spiritual/energy level. What the shaman of years past tuned into, and what the physicist today looks at under an electron microscope, is an ultimate reality composed of pure energy. It appears that modern science is finally catching up with age-old spirituality, and they are one in the same!

So it appears that it's not too difficult to believe in a "reality" that's more than we can physically experience. There are many unseen energies that we use every day, such as x-rays, microwaves etc. It's very doubtful that these are the only energies existing in our grand universe.

This article is not designed to convince people of psychic abilities. It's designed to make people think. The issue of psychic ability is far more complex than one might realize, and can't just be classified as nonsense. You can choose to believe, or you can choose to not believe. But do some serious research before making up your mind.

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