Friday, March 12, 2010

Discover The Psychic Secret Language of Dream

By Tana Hoy

People don't believe that there is something psychic about discovering the meaning of dreams. You may depend on a certain kind of knowing, coupled with analytical thinking, and a good memory of the dream you had.

If this is true, how come dreams have been such mysteries since the beginning of time? Even during the era of the Old Testament, psychics and prophets have been summoned by kings and queens just to find out the meanings of their dreams.

Now that we are in the 21st century, people still yearn to unlock the deep, dark secrets behind their dreams. They seek dream interpreters, psychologists, and psychics to do so. Here are some analysis of the psychic secret language of dreams:

Most Usual Dreams and What They Mean

1. Death dreams - If it's about the death of a loved one, this means that the dreamer lacks a particular quality that the deceased loved one embodied when that person was still alive.

If it is about the dreamer's own death, it indicates a phase of transition that the dreamer is undergoing and usually pertains to the fact that the dreamer is becoming more spiritually enlightened. Or it could also mean that the dreamer is trying very hard to escape the challenges he/she is encountering in his/her real life. What the dreamer should do is ask himself what is he escaping from and is it worth it?

2. Chase dreams - Chase dreams come from feelings of anxiety during a dreamer's waking life. If you feel attacked by someone at work, at home or in your community and you wanted so much to run away from it but you can't because of certain responsibilities and obligations, this feelings of anxiety come out in chase dreams. This is because deep down inside, your first reaction would always be to flee.

In the dreamer's waking life, he may be undergoing a lot of stress and pressure. Instead of facing and conquering them, he does the opposite by quitting a job for example, or running away from his marriage, and many more. What ought to be done is to know who or what is chasing him so he may have an insight into understanding how to cope with the situation.

3. Naked dreams - These dreams signify feelings of disgrace and embarrassment. If you dream yourself of being naked, it means that you have been feeling vulnerable in your waking life. You may also be trying hard to hide something from people you come in contact with everyday, trying to be something that you are clearly not, whether at home, in school, or in the office.

Whatever the case may be, these dreams show how apprehensive and scared the dreamer is of his current situation. What he needs to do is to focus on his good qualities and not be scared to show his real self.

The three dreams mentioned are some of the most typical dreams people usually have. Like what was mentioned, we live in two kinds of worlds. To wit:

1. The Waking World - It is based on facts; it can be analyzed and proven; and consists of sociological behavior.

2. The Dream World - It is mysterious and does not follow logic.

Most of us can basically pinpoint the causes and effects of our actions in the waking world. But what about the dream world? What kind of language does it speak? Is it the psychic kind? Or perhaps most people are not just equipped with the right kind of knowledge?

In our history, you may have learned about numerous cultures who believed that dreams are gods' way of visiting us humans. In more recent times, beliefs about demons seducing and hurting innocent people through nightmares started coming out. These kinds of interpretation are now considered antiquated as your psychic will tell you so.

What Sigmund Freud Said About Dreams

In the 19th and 20th centuries, Sigmund Freud became so popular and with it, his interpretation of dreams. Sigmund Freud believed that dreams are nothing but sexual desires of a person which he/she lay hidden in his/her sleep. Then Carl Jung interjected this notion with his archetypal finding that dreams are actually the world's "collective unconscious" which has an unlimited amount of symbolism we can use for future insights.

In the end, whatever it is that occur in your dreams, whether it be happy or sad, good or bad, you can be sure that you are being summoned by your subconscious. Your subconscious is reaching out to you, wanting to bring vital information and deeply hidden secrets about your life --- your lifestyle, your health, your loved ones, your work, etc. Aren't you compelled to heed the call? Would you want to open the psychic secret language of your dreams?

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