Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Psychic Medium Skill - How to Know if Angels Are Near

By Tana Hoy

Guardian angels have been existing on Earth since time immemorial. The concept of guardian angels has become more popular throughout the years. In fact, there are increasing numbers of people who believe in angels and their powers, and they are going one step further and are actually working with their angels. Take for example a psychic medium, some of today's most powerful psychic mediums work with guardian angels, and they can even help you connect with yours!

Every person in some way or another, has felt the presence of their angel -- however, they are not just aware of it. Yes, every person has some innate psychic medium skill within them, and all of us are capable of seeing, communicating, and even working with our guardian angels.

At some point, we all have our own share of psychic medium experiences related to our guardian angels. The question is, how do you know that it is really a psychic medium experience, and that guardian angels are involved in it? Let us look at 5 sure signs of a psychic medium experience with guardian angels:


Angel-Shaped Clouds

Everywhere in the world, clouds shaped like angels have been seen. Since clouds can be formed into any form, angels use clouds as mediums to relate messages and make their presence known.

Heaven-sent Pennies

It is typical that angel presence is associated with symbolic signs -- symbols like butterflies, feathers, pennies, etc. If you seem to be discovering or reeling in pennies oftentimes, it indicates you are given gifts from heaven. This is a little but thoughtful way that angels allow you to experience they are all over. Additionally, take notice of the dates on those pennies given that they have related meanings!

White Feathers

Feathers are the most common form of angel communication. Usually, when you have been seeking for guidance of angels, they can send you the "signs" of the answers you seek through white feathers. They can either appear as tangible objects (sometimes not even actual feathers, they can just be some feather-like image like one you can see somewhere out of the blue on a billboard or photo), or intangible objects (feather like images that you might see floating around, etc.).

Angelic Music

Usually, the psychic medium ability of clairaudience or "clear hearing" is the reason why you may hear celestial music. You can hear their messages in music -- be it music playing in your head, or it may be an actual audible sound that you may hear at the right time you need inspiration.

Dreams with Angels

There may be instances that a psychic medium may have dreams with angels in it; and we cannot ignore that some other people do as well. Dreams have always been the location for the depths of the mind, and the spiritual world, to convey with the conscious mind.

Obviously, the indicators of psychic medium activities, like these angel experiences, are quite normal. Bear in mind, guardian angels are invariably enthusiastic to help. They are co-existent with us. All we that we ought to do is to harness into, and trust in our inborn psychic medium potential to link up with these divine entities.

However in cases that you seriously wish to know more about cooperating with your angel and unleashing the full potential of your psychic medium abilities, it is recommended to get in touch with a professional psychic medium for guidance. The same as your guardian angel, a skilled psychic medium will be more than happy to assist.

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