Saturday, July 17, 2010

Prayer: My Prayer Of Jabez

By Kiku T. Yamada

In the past twenty years, of all the prayers found in the Bible, the Prayer Of Jabez is among an elitefew of the most printed and quoted by Christians around the world. Without question, it is a beautiful prayer because God not only heard Jabez cry out, but answered his supplication and gave him what he asked for. This was not necessarily because Jabez had more belief than anyone else during that time, but because Jabez loved God with the same innocent love a child returns to a loving father.

Since that day, millions possibly billions of earnest people have cried out to God with this same prayer.

In 1998, while meditating on the Lord, He brought the Prayer of Jabez to my mind. Although I knew the prayer and had prayed this prayer many times, I had never looked into the deeper meaning of the prayer. But within minutes, I heard the soft still voice of the Holy Spirit speaking to my heart, telling me that I was not Jabez but that the prayer also applied to me: For me to pray the prayer as He, the Holy Spirit, led me. Although I did not hear the voice aubibly, I nevertheless not only heard the words spoken by the Holy Spirit but saw the words in my spirit as the Holy Spirit spoke.

God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow; He is never changing. We are all children, His children; the Prayer of Jabez still applies today. God hears our prayers and speaks to us in ways we will understand, when we pray from the heart. And if it is His will for our lives, He will answer our prayer.


1 Chronicles 4:10

And Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, "Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil that I may not cause pain!" So God granted him what he requested. NKJV


By Jurell Green

"O LORD GOD in Heaven, forgive my sins and hear my prayer. Just as Jabez cried out to You then, I cry out to You now, O LORD, and ask that You bless me indeed as You blessed Jabez. Enlarge my territory, O LORD, and let Your hand be also on me and keep me from evil. So like Jabez, I will not cause pain. Grant me my request, O LORD, I pray. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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