Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Dream Of My Body Shape Shifting

By Kiku T. Yamada

Article One, of two articles on Body Changing or Shape Shifting as it is better known. At dreammessenger.com we frequently receive questions involving dreams that the dreamer who had experienced a body change or shape shifting in dreams created worry and real concern when the dreamer awoke.

To dream you see your body change several years older than you are in the natural in a dream represents short-term changes in regards to your level of maturity, knowledge base and developing acquired wisdoms to now handle situations differently than currently being handled.

This kind of dream when seeing your physical body evolve normally represents a person who is methodical, thinks things through, considering all the options, before making decisions. This also represents a person who is not reluctant to consult others of more experience and knowledge than himself with regard to situations and problems which seem to have no solutions; all of which we're forced to confront from time to time.

Based on what is going on in your life in regard to health or problems that have gotten quite out of your immediate control, to see yourself in a dream and have your body change and look older than you are can be a positive; this represents you basically feel pleased about your life and the direction you're moving. You are developing beyond your years, becoming smarter and wiser than others may have overlooked you to be.

To see yourself several years older than you are in the natural in a dream also represents a short-term, uncertain future that can apply to marriage, relationship, finances, problems in your family, career or workplace.

This dream could be a warning to seek out the advice of another who may be wiser than yourself in such matters you may be facing. You'll want to take the uncertainty out of the equation with this dream. Please do talk to someone you think of as a mentor, a very wise, helpful, caring person who can give you pointers on how to use a cool-head approach for taking care of issues in your life.

On the opposite side of the coin, to dream you see your body change to a younger you by several years, or even a decade or more, leaving you looking as you did in your youth is symbolic of a new revived playful spirit and an optimistic outlook concerning a situation or concern you have regarding your future or a future event.

This also represents an accelerated passage of time into the future when there will occur clearly noticeable changes in your demeanor, attitude, mood and outlook, before new events comes to pass.

This type of dream reading also represents short-term changes in regards to your maturity, knowledge and wisdom in how you handle situations differently than you currently handle things. This translates into viewing challenges with a new unintimidated, braver, optimistic thought process and actions.

See: Article 2 Dreams of Physical Body Changes, shape shifting into demonic forms, deformed and shadowy body dream images at www.dreammessenger.com

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