Monday, July 19, 2010

Dreaming I Cannot Move Or Cannot Talk

By Kiku T. Yamada

Article Two Of (4) Articles On Dreams Of Can't Talk Or Can't Move in Dreams. All (4) articles can be viewed at:

In Article One we discussed some of the emotions, feelings, reasons and repercussions associated with dreams of can't talk or can't move. In this article, we will speak on "Rejection," and learning to be able to participate interacting in your dreams.

Sad but true, rejection and the fear of rejection and abandonment are one of the strongest emotions we all live with and you will soon learn and understand that no matter what you do or how hard you try to do everything within your power, there is simply no way to please everyone in all things, all the time. This includes both physical and emotional rejection, leaving one feeling abandoned to face life. Life just doesn't work as we would like: Wrap your mind around this insight, stop trying so hard for approval; just be yourself.

It is human desire to love, to be loved and needed that drives our fear of possible rejection. Because of the fear of emotional or physical rejection, it is not out of the ordinary to experience dreams where we cannot talk or move simply because we feel we have no remedy for overcoming rejection or feelings of rejection either in our waking moments or in our dream life.

Although we all dislike the threat of being rejected under any circumstance, the important thing to remember is that when the threat presents and you're finally able to understand who you really are and who the inner you is, you'll also be able to overcome any threat of rejection dreams that currently leave you feeling powerless unable to talk or move or fight back.

Another reason many people suffer dreams where they can neither talk nor move is from being asked to achieve a task in the natural in their daily lives that is beyond their ability, or knowledge, that requires an unreasonable amount of time in which to accomplish or requires additional information that is not readily available.

If you are employed or working for an employer who consistently places impossible demands on you, this is most likely where most if not all of your dream experiences of not being able to talk or move are entering into your working life and dream life.

To see yourself or another in a dream where you cannot move your body or talk also represents an intense, challenging emotional situation you are experiencing in the natural for which you may be subconsciously feeling that you haven't the authority to speak up for yourself or the position or opportunity to defend yourself.

In the dream, you view the situation or problem as a threat in the natural and your desire to talk, scream or yell while in the dream state has convinced you that by doing by so would bring an end to the problem or situation. But in the dream, you feel the lack of authority to do so; it is this lack of authority which has paralyzed you from doing so in the dream or actively in your real life.

This is one of the methods the mind uses to escape into a silent, muted non-speaking mode in an attempt to remove oneself from danger and an attempt to end the dreams.

Of a lesser degree, yet just as disturbing to the dreamer is to be in a dream where because of the dreamer's self consciousnessness about stammering while speaking or not having enough or the right information to speak knowledgeably often results in the dreamer's inability to speak or move at all within the dream sequences.

This same difficulty to speak out during a dream can also be triggered by another person in the dream you know in the natural who tends to have outbursts of anger or who is extremely hard to talk to as now materializing in dreams.

Remember in dreams of this type as in all dreams, you can interact actively in actions you do in the dream; you can actually participate in dreams. Just as little kids act out when they're displeased. You too can express your dissatisfaction in dreams. You deserve to talk about why something displeases you. And just as children are not always sassy little rascals, you too can effectively express your feelings about something while seeing and experiencing dreams.

The important thing to remember about the dream state is that there are no restraints in what you can say or the actions you can take. The key is to getting involved in your own dreams and stop looking on your dreams like a bystander watching events happen to your life. Think of yourself as an action hero defending your life. Don't be shy; take learning steps if you have to until you get a handle on changing occurrences and events in your dreams. Get radical and outrageous if you have to, but get proactive, outspoken and participate in your own dreams. In your dreams, your strength and authority will often follow you back into the natural into your life skills, giving you more confidence to act increasingly more frequently in daily living activities.

In extreme uncertain dreams, to find yourself with the inability to hold up your end of the conversation or engage asssertively in confrontations represents a real fear experienced in the natural that is materializing in your dreams, because of your fear of a certain person in the natural.

To the Christian: it is not uncommon to have a demonic dream or counterfeit dark nightmare finding oneself actually fighting demons. This type of dream can quickly spiral to the point of the demon holding the dreamer down, choking the dreamer or even levitating the dreamer in an effort to prevent the dreamer from talking, moving or taking a stand in righteous indignation honoring The Lord. In this type of dream, oftentimes the way to escape during the dream event is to call out the Name of Jesus, that He might fight off the demonic force in the dream by ending the dream or changing the outcome of the dream.

Look for Articles 3, and 4, coming soon or click on: Dream Messenger Articles and review all FOUR Articles.

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