Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Armor Of Prayer

By Kiku T. Yamada

By Jurell Green

In 1998 while working on the website ministry, the Lord refreshed my mind of the prayer "The Armor Of Prayer." Uncertain how He wanted me to use the prayer in the website, I went to Him in prayer. After meditating on the Lord, He gave me the way I was to use the prayer reflecting how I feel about the Lord. The prayer has changed somewhat. More so that His Glory, might in overcoming power and honor shine through in the enlightening light of faith of which He has blessed me.

My personal prayer for you is that when experiencing the "The Armor Of Prayer," you also will experience the same love and come into sharing a more intimate relationship with my God who is Jesus the Christ.

The Armor Of Prayer

O LORD, because You are my faith, I can put on the full armor of God. Because You are my strength, I can stand against Satan's schemes and I can stand firm. Because Your Word is true, I can put the belt of Truth around my waist and around my chest, the breastplate of Righteousness.

Because You are my buckler, I can shod my feet with the Gospel of Peace and take up the shield of Faith that protects me from the fiery darts of the evil one. Because You stood in my place and died as a ransom for my sins, covering me with Your Blood, I can put on the helmet of Salvation and take up the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.

Because You answer my prayers, I can pray in the Spirit for all things, on all occasions, for my prayers reach even into Heaven. Because You are the salvation of my soul, I can also pray for myself that whenever I open my mouth, Your words may be given to me, so that I may fearlessly make known the mystery of the Gospel, for which I am an ambassador.

And when I speak, Father God, I ask that I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak as a witness for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. For it is not I who speaks, but The Holy Spirit who dwells within me who gives me utterance that in all things I may give You, O God, the praise, the honor and the glory forever and ever. In Jesus' precious Name, I pray. Amen.

About the Author:

1 comment:

1922epignosis said...

I once saw a full commentary by you on the Book of Enoch is it still online could you send me he link