Monday, July 12, 2010

Calendars And How To Appreciate Them

By Owen Jones

The calendar is such a commonplace, everyday thing, but how much do you actually know about the working of it. Why is it like that?

A DAY: The Earth turns at a reasonably steady speed about the imaginary line running between the North and South Poles named the Earth's Axis. The time it takes to spin once is called a 'rotation' and this takes just under twenty-four hours. Nevertheless, because the Earth is constantly travelling around the Sun, the precise time from noon one day to noon the next is 3 minutes 56 seconds longer and this makes a day almost precisely twenty-four hours in length.

The actual time from noon to noon differs depending where the Earth is on its celestial course around the Sun, but if you average the days in a year out, it comes to precisely twenty-four hours.

A YEAR: All nine planets in our solar system move around the Sun in approximately perfectly circular routes called orbits. Each trip around the Sun is called a revolution and all the planets orbit around the Sun in the same direction. The course the Earth takes can be verified by noting its location against the background stars.

In view of the fact that you cannot see the Sun and the stars at the same time, it is necessary to note the position of the Sun in the morning and the see which stars come out there in the night. You will see that the Sun seems to pass through the twelve constellations of the zodiac during a year.

Earth's trip around the Sun, which seems like the Sun traveling through the zodiac takes about 365.25 days. This is different from year to year, so astronomers add or delete a second in some years to keep their time correct with the Earth's motion.

THE SEASONS: The seasons mark the change in the pattern of daylight over the course of a year. Because the Earth is tilted off centre, different parts of it get different quantities of sunlight on different stages of its path around the Sun, a path that we call a year. So, between approximately the 21st September and late March, the Earth's Northern Hemisphere is tilted away from the Sun, which produces Autumn and Winter, giving less than twelve hours of daylight per day.

From April to the 20th September, the Northern Hemisphere receives more than twelve hours of daylight a day, producing Spring and Summer. The exact opposite occurs in the Southern Hemisphere.

The Equinoxes occur at the points in the year when there is precisely twelve hours of sunlight and darkness in the day. So, the vernal or Spring equinox is on or around the 21st March and the autumnal equinox is on or around the 21st September. Summer officially commences on the day with the greatest amount of daylight, the 21st June or summer solstice.

The winter solstice occurs on the shortest day, the 21st December. 'Solstice' is a combination of two words meaning 'sun standing still' and the days are so called because they are the days when the ostensible movement of the Sun reaches its limits and reverses course again.

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