Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Five Crucial Ways That Psychic Readings Can Help Your Relationships

By Cathy Cox

In the many, many years that Origin Psychics has been operating, the staff has discovered that there are many ways in which a psychic reading can indispensable to your relationships. There is support that can be found in new relationships, there is direction to be found with current relationships, and there is always a little nugget of wisdom a client can take with them. You may not get not get hard and fast answers to questions like, "Should I marry her", but you can get advice and direction that could prove valuable as you embark on a new stage of your life. A psychic can help with sort term problems and offer confidence that can be used to handle future problems.

1. Psychic readings helps you to listen to your inner voice

Many of our relationship problems come from avoidance of listening to our own intuitions - what has been called our 'inner voice' our 'conscience' or our 'gut instinct'. Most often we don't listen to our inner voice because we are frightened of what it is telling us. It may be that your inner voice is telling you that you are repeating a past pattern in relationship. Are you desperately in love with someone, but your inner voice is telling you that situation is destructive?

The best part of this is that when we begin listening to our intuition we begin to confront problems as they should be confronted. When we do that we avoid the things we were so afraid of in the first place. Destructive relationships become positive relationships, we deal with our issues, and we don't gloss over things that are hurting us.

A psychic reading helps you to bring out your inner voice, supporting you to learn to trust your own judgment, face your own fears and find an empowering response to relationship challenges

2. A psychic reading helps you to let go of struggle and control

People who are considered controlling are thought of bossy, domineering, or over-confident. In fact, this is only one type of control issue. It's the overt kind. There are all kinds of ways that people try and succeed to control things everyday. However, a relationship is a two-way street that cannot be successfully controlled by just one person. Fear guides this type of control, and letting go of that fear through the help of a psychic will produce more positive results in your relationships. Instead of being emotional and forcing our partners to respond, we can use our inner-confidence to confront problems without controlling tendencies.

We figure out that controlling people is just a vapid form of attempting to control. It doesn't actually work. In fact, all of the energy that gets put into control pushes people away. The people we want closest to use get tired of it. When clients call and say, "Why did he leave", it's hard to argue that there are control issues in that relationship.

A psychic reading can help you get in tune with the energy and flow of your relationship. It challenges you to stop trying to bend your relationship into a shape that you believe it should be, and start flowing with the way your relationship really is.

This can sometimes be a frightening process. We sometimes have to let go of deeply held beliefs from our childhood about what makes a happy relationship. But if you are open to the insight of a psychic reading, you can begin to feel much more in charge of you life, not because you are in control, but because you have confidence to cope and respond positively to the inevitable changes that occur within a relationship.

3. A psychic reading allows clients to see signs in their lives

With such a hectic and demanding modern day life style it's easy to get caught in tunnel vision. We spend so much time planning and worrying about the future, or thinking about the past, we often don't see the signs that are right in front of our eyes. We miss the subtleties and nuisances of our interactions that often give us vital clues and information about our relationships. Or perhaps we over-think our interactions to the point that we miss the obvious.

Psychic readings at Origin Psychics are a place where every effort is made to pick up on the signs in every relationship so that you can use those signs to improve things with your partner. Not understanding subtle clues that your partner leaves for you will only leave you more frustrated. Plus, you may have been spending far too much time dealing with things that were not important at all. We work very hard to help our clients see what is really important and to jettison everything that is unimportant. A good psychic will help you read your own relationship.

4. Psychic readings help you to see blind spots

The role of a psychic reader is to support the client and be empathetic. We'll never shy away from things that you really need to work on, but we don understand how you feel. Everyone has a blind spot or two that they need to be made aware of. Coming to a reading with an open mind and being receptive to the advice given will give you a chance to see your blind spots for the first time. You can see how others perceive you, and you can tackle those perceptions so that they do not hinder any relationship you may have.

5. A psychic reading helps to calm and relax the client

Most of our clients leave their readings feeling much better. It's a peacefulness that comes from being more confident, self-assured, and ready to tackle life's problems. We want to be relationship healers. We use a tone of voice and a manner that allows us to tap into your feelings, find the energy you have, and help to heal you and your relationship. Everyone vibrates stress and anger and anxiety, but those negative emotions attract more negative emotions. We want you to vibe positively and in harmony with the world around you.

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