Sunday, September 18, 2011

An Astrological Forecast for September 2011 In the Autumnal Equinox and New Moon in Libra

By Ricky Hindricks

Inside a time of economical upheaval and transitions into the unknown it always has been internally balancing for me to perceive myself inside a universe operating under meaningful laws and principles. Astrology is an ancient method to achieve knowledge and deeper insight around the cycles in the planets bringing transform and touch our lives.

Western astrology is in accordance with the unfolding in the seasons and the sign of Aries, the commencing on the zodiac is aligned in the starting of spring, the Spring Equinox. Our human survival on this entire world is tightly correlating in the numerous seasons spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Our life is lived in harmony on the rhythms we find ourselves component of. There's the little rhythm from the day turning into night or the journey in the Moon via a single complete circle in approximately 28.5 days or the larger rhythm of the earth about the Sun in one year. The Sun is thought as moving from your 12 several astrological signs and therefore representing specific subjects to deal with and potentials to use.

The four cardinal items starting with Aries beginning spring, Cancer continuing with summer, Libra beginning autumn and Capricorn moving into winter are signifying important issues of profound change from the energetic flow we receive from the sun.

A Special Autumnal Equinox Using a New Moon and Five Planets in Libra

Just now the length with the day equals the length from the night from the Western Hemisphere. The summer is over even if we may perhaps still have warm sunny days and lengthy light filled evenings. It's a time of harvest and reaping the benefits of our labor and efforts. It is a time to celebrate our bounty with harvest celebrations (Thanksgiving) and gratefulness in our hearts.

When the Sun enters Libra this month with a New Moon; Venus and Mercury will be following suit at some point. Libra is symbolizing the glyph from the Scales and with it the striving for balance, harmony, justice, love, peace and relationships. With Saturn already in Libra we now have Five planets in this balance oriented sign this month and there is some work to perform to achieve the high aspirations of this sign.

But what is so special about this Equinox is the activation of this sensitive cardinal thing via Pluto and Uranus and with it the cosmic imperative for evolution intensifies. The unfolding of the New Moon commencing from right here promises a turbulent month and autumn.

It can also be the fourth out of six Super Moons this year. A Super Moon happens once the Moon is closest towards Earth amplifying the gravitational pull over a earth and on our psyches. It influences the magnetic field in the earth and truly affects the individual.

New Moon Square to Pluto and Opposition Uranus

The conjunction of Sun Moon Mercury will probably be squared by Pluto and opposed by Uranus and will likely be pressuring us to think differently and take in action. Pluto and Uranus will likely be felt very closely and intimately through the involvement in the New Moon. The longing for harmony and balance in individual affairs is confronted with harsh realities and we need courage to confront our fears and insecurities, genuine shifts need to occur

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