Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Try Numerology with a Free Online Psychic Chat

By Samuel Barry

If you are one of those people who has seen an advertisement for a free online psychic chat and wondered how effective any free service could possibly be, there a few things that you should consider before you draw any conclusions. Obviously, no website is in business to give away their products and services with no hope of compensation; if they were, their business would not long survive, as that practice generally works only for charities.

To begin with, most states require that a person be 18 years of age or older to participate in a psychic reading online, including a free online psychic chat. Credit card information is used by many internet companies to verify the ages of their customers and ensure compliance with those restrictions. While it is an inconvenience to enter that information, from the companys point of view it is perfectly understandable for them to ask for it. Most will offer a privacy notice of some sort that promises the information will be used for tracking purposes, and will not disseminated to anyone else. In addition, the legitimate psychic services conduct their transaction over secure servers. Bear that in mind, as an unsecured server can be one of the first signs that the service may not be entirely legitimate.

Another reason for the requirement involves the necessity of weeding out the uninterested from those who truly want the service. The purpose of a free online psychic chat is to allow the customer to try the service to see if the sites psychics are what they are looking for. The offers for free readings are not created simply to provide a curiosity for anyone who happens to stop by. Treating a visitor like a paying customer goes a long way toward weeding out those who are not truly interested in obtaining a psychic reading to assist them in their lives. Without the requirement, many of these sites would be flooded each day by people who are bored and looking for a momentary diversion, rather than by individuals who actually need help.

Finally, it must always be remembered that these websites are businesses, and the main purpose of any business is to make money. Free online psychic chat offers are marketing tools designed to increase traffic to the sites that offer them, in hopes of acquiring new customers. It is as simple as that. While it is helpful to be able to have a free short reading with a real psychic in a chat environment, those offers are not what keep the sites operational or the psychics fed.

It is incredible when you think about how far numerology has come in the last 100 years. An all but forgotten discipline a century ago, the art of numerology has risen from the ashes of history and now occupies an ever-more popular position in the hearts and minds of many who seek psychic guidance on a regular basis. And now, with a free online psychic chat, you too can give numerology a try.

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