Sunday, June 28, 2009

It is Hard to Get a Psychic Vision

By Chester Gold

If you really want to become a little bit more psychic every day, you are going to have to start meditating and praying every single day. This doesnt mean that you bow your head for five minutes and call it quits. This means that you are going to have to start a true spiritual journey. This will involve you taking out some time to read a spiritual book for around an hour a day and praying for at least 3 minutes a day. You can break this up during your day if you cannot do it all in one sitting. As a fellow psychic, I can tell you that your spirituality makes a huge difference in the lives of other people. Its important for you to always be on top of the game. You have to always be open and willing to talk about your issues and ask God to come in to help you to deal with anything else that may come forward. Its not easy to be spiritual minister in todays complex world.

This may be something that you dont even think is going on. However, the prophetic word just comes to you. Its important for you to jot down anything that you are hearing. I used to give people prophetic words in the form of a piece of paper. If I had a prophetic word that I knew had to be delivered to them, I would write it down and hand it to them. This is something that I felt would be more comfortable for me since I am used to giving people my prophetic words in writing. I find verbal communication to be very difficult for me at times. I think that I am a natural born writer.

If you know of a psychic or a paranormal investigator, you may want to ask them if you can join them in their next ghost hunt. Many ghost hunters are open to allowing you to tag along with them on a haunted house investigation. They often require that you volunteer some of your time to them. They may ask you to set up video or digital equipment or stand guard on some of their equipment while they set it up. However, it is all well worth it if you want to see real ghosts and hear from the voices that are beyond.

I also learned how to jot down some information during my psychic session as well. I think that a psychic reading can definitely lead you closer to your answer. I usually visit 3 " 4 psychics in one day. I only do this once a month though. I then ask each psychic a specific question. Then I compare what each psychic told me. You will usually receive one main message from all of the psychics and that message I interpret to be a message from the spirit world for me. I think that if you decide to get a psychic reading, you should not get just one. I usually get one from a few readers to see what truth is and what is not. Not every psychic word will be the gospel truth.

This is because many psychics cannot clearly see a specific date through their third eye. This is because a psychic reading is supposed to give someone direction. There have been times when psychics have been able to pinpoint specific dates that actually came to pass. This is not the norm though. The truth of the matter is that the more clear your mind is when you are giving someone a psychic reading and the less nervous you feel, the more probable it will be for you to give an accurate psychic reading.

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