Saturday, June 27, 2009

Psychics Often Work Undercover

By Carly While

The demand for psychic chat online has grown exponentially, and with that demand it seems that new websites offering psychic services are sprouting like flowers in spring. On the surface, they all appear legitimate " and they all claim to care about you. Despite those appearances and claims, however, it is almost a guarantee that at least some percentage of them is fraudulent. Chatting with other consumers online can provide you valuable insight into the practices and reputations of many of these websites. Anecdotal evidence may not stand up in a court of law, but it will usually find some traction in the court of public opinion. If you have a dozen people tell you that a certain websites psychics consistently split readings into several sessions so that they could charge for additional costs, you can safely bet that it happened.

Those who believe that the two technological mediums in question can be objectively gauged against one another usually begin with the issue of privacy. Many who regularly seek the advice of psychics have serious concerns with anonymity, or are more comfortable talking to psychics who do not know their most intimate details. That factor was one of the most attractive aspects of telephone psychic consultations, and it has become an even larger factor in the success of psychic chat online.

If anything, the online psychic chat rooms and forums provide even more anonymity, with names and other personal information remaining entirely private. Because of that, many people who compare the two mediums of psychic access argue that online psychic chats provide greater privacy protection than consultations by telephone.

Finally, few if any telephone services provide background information about their psychics or the preferred psychic disciplines they employ. For a customer with an affinity for Astrology readings, this lack of information can be frustrating. The professionals involved in psychic chat online, however, freely advertise their credentials, as well as the disciplines with which they are most proficient. These psychics want you to feel comfortable with who you choose, and how the reading is performed. For all of these reasons, many of the people who have consulted with psychics by way of telephone and the internet affirm their belief that -while both have their merits -psychic chat online is superior to psychic telephone consultations in most of the ways that matter to consumers.

With thousands upon thousands of psychic practitioners around the world, it is often difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff. As with any profession, the competent, caring professionals are indistinguishable from the predators who seek only to line their own pockets. Finding the right psychic who is qualified in his or her discipline is made even more difficult by the current lack of governing standards for most of the psychic community at large. Unlike doctors, psychics have yet to organize to an extent that would spark the creation of a recognized psychic certification board that can assist consumers in weeding out the charlatans and frauds. Even the International Certification of Psychics (ICP), which attempts to offer some guidance to consumers, currently has no real authority for monitoring or testing the quality of individual psychics. With the growth of psychic chat online, such a self-governing body seems almost inevitable, but for now the consumers best hope for clarity may rest in the chat rooms themselves.

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