Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sleep paralysis - How and Why?

By Adam Asar

Many people have experienced waking up from their sleep in the middle of the night and found that they cannot move. Even though they are awake and fully conscious of what is happening around them they are completely immobilized. Many have sensed a seen or an unseen presence on them or in the room. It is an extremely unnerving feeling and the person going through it is gripped by fear. This group of symptoms is popularly known, especially in the medical world, as 'Sleep paralysis'.

Key observations about Sleep paralysis

Research conducted by J. Allan Cheyne (Cheyne, 2001) indicates that it happens generally when one is going into a sleep state or coming out of a sleep state. Cheyne and some other researchers have stated the following as some of the key observations about Sleep paralysis.

It occurs frequently among 3-6% of the world population.

About 30% of young adults experience Sleep paralysis at least once in their lives.

It is more likely to happen to young adults.

It can last from a few minutes to a few hours at a time.

People also experience, sense or see a presence around them during their paralyzed state. Fear grips them and some of them have said that a demonic force was out to possess their soul or was trying to crush or smother them.

Spiritual research into Sleep paralysis

Sleep paralysis has revealed that one of the main spiritual reasons for these phenomena is an attack by ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies etc.). This is the reason why in most cases people feel a presence or can actually see a ghost. It is not hallucinations, but is actually a ghost (demon, devil, negative energy etc.). We perceive the presence through our sixth sense.

Why does it happen more in young adults? It is more likely to be found in young adults. The reason for this is that young adults have most of their life to go and hence have the maximum amount of give-and-take account yet to be completed. Also since worldly desires are highest in young adults they become targets for ghosts to possess to fulfil their own desires. Those in the lower and older age group are not of much use from a desire fulfilment point of view. The elderly have had completed majority of their give-and-take account in their lifetime and are mellowed with life's trials and tribulations. Why does it happen generally while sleeping on one's back? This is because when one is lying on either side, one of the two main channels of the spiritual energy system is active. When in supine position the spiritual energy is least active. As the flow of energy is reduced, it is easier to immobilize the motor system of a person. It is for this reason that 70% of all cases of sleep paralysis happen when lying on the back. Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) has suggested to sleep on the right side to rest the heart and prevent sleep paralysis. It happens generally when going into a sleep state or coming out of it According to spiritual research only 10% of cases happen when one is falling asleep or coming out of sleep. In 90% cases it happens in sleep, hence the affected person is not aware of it or semi-aware of it. Some studies on sleep patterns of some volunteers suffering from sleep paralysis. It was found that many of them appeared to be immobile or unconscious at night in sleep. On trying to wake them up, it was found that they were immobile. The Jinns (demons, devils, negative energies etc.) prefer to attack the person in deep sleep because then they have to use less energy to have their way with the person, for example to carry out their sexual desires. Duration Through spiritual research it was found that the average duration of an attack is anywhere between 3 minutes to 3 hours. How to ascertain the cause of Sleep paralysis? Only a person with an activated sixth sense can truly ascertain whether the cause of paralysis was physical, psychological or spiritual. However we can make an educated guess with our intellect that the paralytic attack is due to spiritual causes if all other physical/psychological causes have been ruled out. Types of sleep paralysis caused by Jinns

In this case the person is completely incapacitated by Jinn (demons, devils, negative energies etc.). The body, mind and intellect are all paralyzed by the Jinn.

Why do Jinns (demons, devils, negative energies etc.) do this?

There are 4 main reasons why they attack or possess a person.

Seeking revenge Trying to satisfy their desires/cravings To gain pleasure from troubling others To torment seekers of Allah Spiritual remedies to come out of sleep paralysis

What can one do to come out of the paralysis?

Since the cause of the paralysis is spiritual, it can be alleviated by spiritual remedy alone.

When one finds oneself in this situation, the first thing to do is to pray to Allah for help. Then start chanting the Name of Allah according to Islam along with frequent prayer till one is out of the paralytic attack. (Recite Ayat-al Kursi, Ikhlas, Falaq and Nas Surahs) Once the paralytic attack is overcome, offer gratitude to Allah for having been rescued from the attack. Remember by not panicking and doing spiritual practice of chanting the Name of Allah, we harness divine energy. This in turn increases our spiritual strength and our ability to combat the black energy and reduce the duration of the paralysis.

What can others do to help the person?

By shaking the person if one is aware that they are in this state. This helps them to come out of this state. The reason for this is that when a person has been immobilized, his peripheral subtle spiritual energy network is as if short-circuited. By shaking the person, all that we do is re-establish the circuit. As the energy starts flowing, movement is restored.

Read more on this topic or more related subjects, Visit Quranic Healing (PEACCE OF MIND AND SOUL)is an Unusual Spiritual Guide for Healing, has been created to help heal and educate others about the existence of black magic, voodoo, demonic possession, spirit attachment, and other spiritual problems and healing from these problems. quranichealing.com

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