Friday, April 1, 2011

How To Increase Your Psychic Strength

By Phyllis T. Xavier

If you are interested in developing your psychic powers, then I've got some great news for you. Most people today have clairvoyant abilities to some degree. It's just a matter of practicing them and strengthening to be able to increase them. In this article you'll learn some simple things that you can do every day that will make your psychic powers stronger than ever.

Meditation is a great way to increase your powers. When you meditate, you increase your ability to listen to your intuition, which is really the source of all psychic power. When you meditate, sit in a quiet room for ten or twenty minutes, and just listen to your thoughts. Don't judge them, merely watch them as they slip through your mind.

If at all possible, try and avoid red meat. Many people believe that certain substances within the red meat itself can inhibit your clairvoyant perception. Try and switch to a complete vegetarian diet if you can. It may take a while to fully cleanse your system, but it will be well worth it.

Everybody has something called an inner critic. This is that voice that is always warning you, or telling you that you shouldn't try something new. This voice was designed to keep you safe, but it also will drown out the shy inner psychic that we all have. If you can, give that inner critic the day off or something.

If you want to have some fun, you can go and people watch. This is a powerful method if developing your psychic skills. Sit somewhere out in public, and just watch people walk by. Pay attention to any images or feelings that you get. Be accepting of these images and feelings, as they will be surprisingly accurate.

Another amazing source of fantastic psychic wisdom and knowledge is your dreams. Of course, most people can't remember their dreams, so this may take some practice. Keep a dream journal, where you write down the contents of your dream every morning. This will gradually give you the ability to understand and interpret your dreams.

If you choose a couple of these, and practice them every day for twenty minutes or so, then you will become powerfully psychic in just a short period of time. Just be careful of karma, and only use your psychic powers for good, and not evil.

About the Author:

1 comment:

Hersal Gibs said...

Hi Friends,

This is the best way to knowing about psychic strength. Meditation is the very best way to strengthen your intuition and increase your psychic abilities. Thanks a lot!

Psychic Medium