Thursday, September 29, 2011

New Moon in Leo in Conjunction Of the Sun & Moon is in Opposition With Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune

By Graham Flynn

Another Super Moon, the fourth out of Five this year! The Moon is closest to the earth which is named perigee as well as the New Moon phase will intensify the gravitational pull on ocean tides and tectonic plates. And of course our emotional receptivity will likely be tuned up as well! As we have discussed before; the Moon is reflecting our emotional filter and perception for the world. As well as the Full Moon and the New Moon are particular since they're nonetheless items of adjust in direction and speed, a moment to eat a breath and reorient ourselves.

New Moon

Each New Moon provides us with a new starting of the new cycle, a clean slate to begin from. There's a little magic in these turning items from the New Moon as well as the Full Moon as there is during the Solstice as well as the Equinox. They are universal rhythms which remind me of our breathing. Once we breathe in we offer the body with fresh oxygen and life force, then there's a moment of stillness ahead of we breathe out, releasing the old and stagnant, then another even now issue and also the cycle resumes.

For me astrology is just a good way to find my place in these magnificent universal cycles and achieve understanding in how to apply the wisdom found inside it. There are the short cycles on the Moon waxing and waning and there are the longer cycles on the Sun moving from your year. Every station inside a several sign is describing a particular universal quality out there in that moment in time.

You could say the cycle in the Moon from the zodiac is an indicator in the emotional imprint as well as the cycle from the Sun is how consciousness and life in general is impacted.

Sun/Moon in Leo and the Story of King Arthur

The sign with the Leo is really a sign of courage, stepping as much as challenges, taking leadership and the quest to your lionhearted for the grail. The grail in the story of King Arthur is the symbol for waking up to his actual divine nature, being enlightened if you will.

The movie "The Sword Excalibur" is telling us the story from the quest for what ails the nation as well as the king. The product and answer is discovered by a single on the knights inside form from the grail at the bottom of the river. Water usually has been a symbol for our unconsciousness and is ruled by the Moon. As soon as Lancelot brings the grail on the King and he tells him: "The King as well as the nation is one!" And also the king is healed in the sickness that ailed him. This message of oneness as our actual nature is the capability of this Sun / Moon constellation.

We are living in really unprecedented times of alter and in the capacity of a leaping to a higher level of consciousness as well as the inner experience beyond doubt of our connectedness and oneness not merely as a species but with all types consciousness takes.

Sun/Moon Opposition to Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune

This alliance is showing us the way to the Aquarian Age and might be 1 of the milestones in having there. The Aquarian Age is concept as the time in our human evolution in which the principles of equality, diversity, peace, freedom and abundance for all come to be reality. I grant you we are far from it yet, but I consider that this constellation is setting the stage for the unfolding of it.

Add the Pluto is Capricorn for the mix and you are able to see what I mean. Pluto will be the one who is destroying the old, rigid, no longer serving order and structures of society.

Jupiter is seeking new and far better methods to expand, study and a deeper meaning in our humanness. Chiron is involved in showing us our individual weak points and wounds we need healing for to step forward into the new without having old baggage. Neptune stands out as the dreamer of possibilities and knows about oneness and revels from the connection from the divine.

The activated Leo/ Aquarian axis is creating awareness for our dreams, goals and visions for your much better life for all and also the willingness to begin where we are, producing what we can do, and contributing the morphogenetic field with who we are.

Aquarius stands out as the 11th Sign inside the Zodiac

Aquarius stands out as the second on the last sign in the archetypal wheel with the zodiac, that is symbolizing evolution and growth on all levels of existence. A single circle of learning is virtually coming to an end. For that reason they feel a deep inner connection to humankind and adore to contribute but on their individual terms.

The sign of Aquarius is opposite and complementary with the sign of Leo and is opposing the king or the ruling forces in society. They carry the responsibility for transform for ones much better and shaking up the reputation quo.

You could say that this is the time we now have been waiting for!

Living on the entire world exactly where separation, power and greed are even now extremely dominant factors for decisions on a own or national level and in between nations; many of us have individuals requirements for peace, freedom, equal human rights including a real change in human interactions. The election of Obama as President has sprung in the hope for far better days, better decisions in politics and also a deep longing for adjust for ones better, for actual idealism and accountability. "We can do it!"

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