Saturday, September 17, 2011

Free Daily Horoscope - Is it Reliable?

By Nikola Nikic

Reading daily horoscopes each day can give us kind light on our energy or good luck or bad chance for those given day. We can find out extra about activities, flexibility, behavior in our lives, but you can ask yourself - is it reliable?

If we dig for on that with scientific side, there is no fact that driving of sun, moon or other planets can be related with human activity or what's happen to me today". No proof eather, if those planet come correlate shadow that may give us good or bad luck. So, there is no evident scientific hard information that horoscopes can predict our fate.

Still, form down civilisation, many of us believe that each planet or celestial bodies possess some energy which is in constant change depending on spatial relations with mutual planets or celestial bodies.

Because of that, you can find many folks which make important decisions in their lives only with consulting of horoscope. Astrology has been considered for long time ago and people want to know more about coherence of Zodiac signs and understand relation between celestial bodies and planets each other. So, astrology can be separated in two opposite chapter - general astrology and individual astrology.

General astrology is devoted on general relation between celestial bodies and planets like sun,moon and 12 planets of solar system. All of this characteristics for every single Zodiac sign can be relative for every single person born in some of 12 Zodiac signs. So, general astrology and daily horoscopes ( based on general astrology) can't be accurate 100%. They can't forecast destiny of all people born in every single Zodiac signs. Because of that, most people find that daily horoscopes can give us funny way to start our working day and don't give it for serious.

However, because of their generality nature and general characteristics of 12 Zodiac signs and general relationship between celestial bodies and planets, those daily horoscopes can be helpful for large group of people. In the next article I write more about 12 zodiac signs.

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