Saturday, November 26, 2011

Value of Colors in Astrological Remedies

By Gilbert Karlis

The visible light that is certainly a mixture of seven colors gets manifested in violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red (VIBGYOR). These colors originate inside the Sun and travel in several wave lengths with varying energy intensities.

The visible light may be the source of all life within the biosphere and it is responsible for all the biogeochemical cycles during the environment of the earth which sustains all of the plant and animal life such as the life of human beings. The main driver of energy stands out as the Sun from wherever the color waves originate.

The importance of colors has been documented by scientific look for in recent times. Its value was, however, known to the individuals prior to the development of current science. Vedic astrology produced in India. There have been developments inside Greek empire, in Egypt, Babylon and during the Mayan civilizations also. In all astrological treaties, the significance of color was emphasized for astrological remedies.

In Vedic astrology, the fundamental subject of look for could be the role of navgrahas (nine planets) from the horoscope that are mentioned to govern the entire life of the native from birth till death and beyond. The nine planets are also emitters or reflectors of rays of numerous colors. The reflected and emitted color rays offer a distinctive appearance to a certain planet. The studies on these matters are offered in Egyptian, Greek and Babylonian astrological literatures also.

The color in the Sun is really a combination of orange and red. However, it's typically regarded red in color. The Moon is pale white but it reflects the orange red rays on the Sun. Mars is of red color but it also reflects the yellow rays with the Sun. Mercury is of green color and reflects green rays. Jupiter is of orange-yellow color but reflects mainly blue rays of the spectrum. Venus is regarded as to be pure white but it also reflects indigo rays of the spectrum. Saturn is of black color and reflects violet rays in the Sun.

The two shadow planets Rahu and Ketu have also been assigned colors in Vedic astrology. Rahu is regarded to be black while Ketu is brown.

Compatibility of Colors in Astrological Remedies:-

We often discover "lucky number" and "lucky colors" in astrological forecasts. The role of color is correctly emphasized everywhere. Remedies for strengthening weak planets for bringing a balance inside life of somebody are prescribed by astrologers taking recourse to different means. These ways can be mantra, tantra, gem therapy, puja (worship), daan (charity) etc in which some are related with colors.

While you'll find numerous mantras for propitiating various planets, you will find hundreds of tantra systems which utilize fruits, flowers, leaves, roots, grains, pulses, oilseeds, cloths, woods, coal etc of several colors for several planets. A detailed discussion of these remedies is obtainable in Lal-Kitab that is a treatise on astrology. The puja program which formulated inside Vedic period, recommends the use of white rice, green leaves, red vermillion, yellow and red cloth, white sandal wood, red sandal wood and flowers of a variety of colors for propitiating different planets and gods. A discussion is given below.

Sun: Mainly because the color of Sun is red, the strengthening of Sun from the horoscope of somebody needs to be done with red flowers or saffron-color items. The advised stone is ruby that is also red. This color represents energy and power. It also shows vitality and creativity. However, excess of red is harmful. Therefore, the weight in the gemstone has to be carefully decided. This color just isn't advised being utilized for people who have heart trouble.

Moon: It is pale white. This color contains all the seven colors with the spectrum and has purifying properties. It influences the concept system and leads on the virtue and spirituality. However, excess of white can also be not good. The astrological ways for strengthening the Moon inside the horoscope revolve around white merchandise like white flowers (white lotus, jasmine, lily etc), milk, curd, rice flour, white sandalwood etc and in between the gems white pearl is prescribed.

Mars: The red color Mars emits slightly yellowish rays. The difference between Sun red and Mars red is how the red in Sun means royalty whilst the red in Mars means violence. The redness of Mars associates in the RBC (red blood cells). Deficiency of Mars red can bring about blood-related issues even though the excess of red is usually a lead to of accidents and excessive aggression. For treatment of Mars-related issues red or yellow color is prescribed. The gems prescribed are red coral and pink coral. Prescribed herbs and grains are red lentil, ashwagandha (winter cherry), turmeric and onions which coincide with its fiery nature.

Mercury: This globe is of green color and this color stands for balance, harmony and hope. It has the potential to calm down agitated nerves and mind. Therefore, this color is excellent for individuals suffering from heart problems. This can be also very good for pregnant women. Excess of greens can result in lethargy. Since, Lord Vishnu is symbolized by Mercury, green color basil leaves (tulsi) are recommended for Mercury-related problems. The other products are bhringaraj (Eclipta Alba), passion flower, zizyphus, mint, sage etc. The compatible gemstone is green emerald.

Jupiter: The color of Jupiter is yellow or yellowish orange. The final results of both these colors are commonly positive. This is, therefore, a benefic planet. Its color includes a warming effect and energizes the nervous system. The yellowness produces stimulating effect on intellect. The compatible solutions for treatment of Jupiter-related problems are ashwagandha along with other yellow flowers. Nuts like almonds, walnuts and cashews are also prescribed. The compatible gemstone for Jupiter is yellow sapphire and yellow topaz.

Venus: The color is pure white that's a combination of all colors of spectrum. Moon is pale white but Venus is bright white. The benefits from the white color are the same as in Moon but Moon represents simplicity while Venus represents sophistication. The compatible goods for treatment of Venus related problems are rose, saffron, jasmine, lotus, lily, white musali (Asparagus adscendens), amalaki (Emblica officinalis), aloe gel (Aloe Vera) etc. The compatible gem stone is diamond. White zircon and quartz crystal are also prescribed.

Saturn: The color of Saturn is black. This color is caused by the absence of light. The rays emitted by Saturn are of violet color. Black is a calming color for agitated folks and can be identified for its protective properties. There are unfavorable qualities also like resistance, obstruction, opposition, and enmity. Excess of black is really a result in of depression. The compatible solutions for treating Saturn-related issues are commonly of black color like, black sesame, urad, shilajit (Ozokerite), comfrey root, triphala (herbs for instance amalaki, bibhitaki and haritaki), iron etc. The compatible gemstone is blue sapphire that may be extremely risky to recommend due to the fiery nature in the planet.

Rahu: This shadow globe is considered smoky or black in color. The compatible products for treatment are camphor, bayberry, eucalyptus, sandalwood, lotus etc. Gomedha (hessonite garnet) may be the advised gemstone for Rahu-related issues.

Ketu: This shadow planet is typically regarded as brown in color. Brown color is not the original color with the spectrum. The compatible products for treating Ketu-related problems are bayberry, wild ginger, juniper, bhringaraj, skullcap, passion flower etc. The suggested gemstone is cat's eye (chrysoberyl family).

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