Friday, October 22, 2010

Psychic Medium - A Meditation Technique To Open Your Third Eye

By Tana Hoy

What Is The Third Eye Really All About?

Besides the fact that psychic mediums possess psychic gifts and skills, mediums are quite known for the ability to communicate with beings of a spiritual nature. They do this with the assistance of a very powerful third eye. Through the third eye, the person sees through "psychic vision", in turn giving them the ability to see things beyond the bounds of human understanding, things like reading men's minds, looking into the past or the future of a person, and establish contact with the spiritual plane, among other skills. You may find yourself asking, what's the deal with the third eye?

The third eye is often referred to as "psychic vision", it is known as the source of an individual's psychic powers. The third eye is also known as the "Agya" or the sixth chakra, and it symbolizes wisdom, intuition, and psychic power. Simply put, the third eye is the reason why psychics can see into the past, present, and the future; it is also the reason behind a psychic's capability to read minds and his other psychic gifts.

A Psychic Medium's Ultimate Secret To Open The Third Eye

You do not need to be a professional psychic to have the ability to see what these accomplished people can see through their third eye, and that is a fact. You can acquire these abilities for yourself even if you're not a fortune teller, a medium or a clairvoyant. Every human person has a third eye that remains inactive or closed, but it is there located right at the center of the forehead just above and between the eyebrows.

There is a very simple way, a psychic medium's secret to opening up the third eye, and it through mediation. Meditation is a medium's approach to opening it up, as well as closing it by will. Stated below are the steps to initiate the opening of your third eye.

A Psychic Medium's 5-Step Secret Meditation Formula To Open Your Third Eye

Step 1: Find a peaceful spot where you can freely meditate.

Step 2: Close your eyes and breathe in a steady pace -- clear your mind and relax your body.

Step 3: As your eyes are closed, focus on your third eye. Concentrate on the center of your forehead using your "inner eyes." You do this by looking up -- looking at the area of your third eye without opening your eyelids.

Step 4: Relax your eyes, and do not intentionally look upward.

Step 5: Keep breathing in a steady pace, maintain that degree of relaxation while you are doing so.

Using these 5 steps to meditate regularly will allow you to learn the psychic medium's technique in opening the third eye. This is the initial task to be done to do such, and it also helps strengthen your third eye as well, so do this as often as possible. Meditation is the basic step to take to open and develop your psychic abilities, and every medium, channeler, or clairvoyant does the same thing. Follow these steps, which are provided by every medium you can ask, and keep meditating.

You might wonder -- "Is it really necessary to meditate to unlock my third eye?" The answer is Y-E-S. Meditation is the basic foundation to open and hone any psychic ability; and all psychic mediums, even the most powerful psychic medium meditates on a regular basis. So if you really want to unlock your third eye and all the other powers that come with it, follow a psychic medium's advice and try this psychic medium approach to meditation.

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