Sunday, October 31, 2010

How To Learn Astrology For Free

By Cody Brandson

The astrology compatibility comparison chart may help to understand how well people get along and what possible problems could arise in their relationship. With a bit of how-to-knowledge it can be understood but only if the person you are involved with has the potential to sustain a long term happy relationship. By comparing the chart with another person you will have to pay close attention to Mars, Venus, Mercury and the Moon. You can pick up hidden information and you can asl a professional astrologer to look at how these planets are connected together.

If you have not been educated in how things work, then there is a series of free forms that you can learn about it. This is certainly an excellent way to find the best basis to determine whether or not you believe in it and whether it will be part of your life.

Mars and Venus define sexual chemistry in the charts. When Mars is connected to Venus (or vice versa) in the table below, the sparks fly lovers. Without a good connection to Mars, Venus, sex life can be ho hum. Do not despair if you see no significant relationship between Mars and Venus, and other chemical production to the Moon is Mars, the quality will also create sexual attraction.

When your Venus in compatible signs bode well. Venus is what we like and value. If your Venus is connected then you can share and enjoy similar activities. If your Venus is not connected to your lovers table below, a person can always feel that they are engaging in relationship to the other person happy or that never do what is important to them. Many marriages are happy with each partner having separate hobbies and not spend free time together, if this appeals to, then a Venus is not well connected.

If you or someone you know is on the road to self-destruction you might want to see if the influence of Pluto is involved. Since Pluto is connected to a manifestation of death and destruction conscious of this energy is likely to emerge. If you know someone who has been on the path of self destruction for many years, then it can be red with strong Pluto be living this vibration. Until a more conscious understanding is reached that could continue until they are destroyed. When you understand the higher purpose of this energy to change the pattern.

The rebirth that occurs on or after the experience of Pluto is undeniable. You may find that your life has changed completely. The pain of leaving the past behind and is the creation of a new beginning has begun.

Mercury connections are vital for communication and understanding of their differences. Mercury in a position of connection in their astrology charts to help determine the speed and ease with which they will be able to overcome misunderstandings.

spiritual astrology operates on a plane where the intersection of fate and destiny. When using spiritual astrology is the co-creator of your destiny. Manifesting a life of purpose and meaning is easy when you are in tune with the vibrations of the universe.

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