Friday, October 29, 2010

Psychic Medium - How To Communicate With Your Guardian Angels

By Tana Hoy

The Spiritual Realm Exists!

People have always questioned the existence of the spiritual realm ever since and up to this day, many people still wonder about realms other than our own. We have always remained interested in the unexplainable, and the spiritual realm is one topic of interest, be it about angels, spirits or ghosts. In all honesty, it is a realm that does exist, and it is as real as the physical realm, and a psychic medium can attest to that.

But did you know that it's not only a psychic medium who can prove the existence of the spiritual realm? There are various accounts that can also prove the existence of angels and spirits.

3 Proven Ways To Communicate With Those In The Spiritual Realm

Apart from the fact that the spiritual realm exists, connecting with the "other side" is possible; and a psychic medium is one ideal example of a person who can do that. Nevertheless, what people are not aware is that you do not essentially need to be a psychic medium to do so.

Establishing connections with the other side is possible even if you're not a professional psychic medium; and here are 3 ways you can do that:

1. Electronic Voice Communication

Electronic Voice Communication, is a straightforward but powerful approach to communicate with spirits. Also called Instrumental Transcommunication, it is a collective name for speaking with the Other Side with the help of electronic instrumentation (e.g. tape recorders, camcorders, telephones, answer machine, radios, televisions, or anything else that is electronic).

Electronic Voice Communication is basically having the recording device go and record on its own and paying attention to the recorded tape afterwards. It is assured that you will mostly file something not of this physical reality. Messages usually appear in short phrases rather than complete sentences, and they must not be mistaken for white noise (in electronic recording and communication systems, 'white noise' usually appears in the way of high frequencies, or hiss).

2. Ouija Boards

Ouija Boards are traditional psychic tools used to get in touch with the spiritual realm. This "spirit board" is a flat board that has letters, numbers, and other symbols. The ouija board utilizes a planchette (small heart-shaped piece of wood) or movable pointer to point out the spirit's message by spelling it out on the board.

3. Psychic Mediums

If you'd like a very effective approach to connect with spiritual entities, the best alternative is to seek the guidance of a professional psychic medium. By way of a psychic medium, you can obtain messages from spiritual entities and deliver messages to the spirit world too.

A Psychic Medium: The Key To Learn More About The Spiritual Realm

The spirit world is a very fascinating subject that has brought on the curiosity of many people. Even so, although the spiritual realm is such a well-known concept, people can't seem to uncover all the answers (and let alone the right ones) to all of their questions on the spiritual realm. Fortunately, there is a very powerful psychic who can present the answers that people seek about the spiritual realm, and this special sort of psychic is no other than than a psychic medium.

A psychic medium is well-known for his rare psychic gift to communicate with those who are in the higher spiritual realms. Their very powerful third eye, paired with their keen sixth sense, allows them to get in touch with the "other side". Psychic mediums are the best people to seek if you want to learn more about the spiritual realm; they can provide you with insider information, very valuable insights, and they can even deliver messages from and to the "other side.

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