Thursday, January 7, 2010

Telekinetic Psychic Ability - How to Unleash its Full Power

By Tana Hoy

Telekinesis is a very popular psychic ability. By definition, telekinesis is a rare psychic ability that allows a person to move things or objects, using only the mind. When a person has a telekinetic psychic ability, he or she can make a pencil float on air, flip pages of a magazine, or turn the hands of a clock, using only the power of their mind.

Although telekinesis is a popular psychic ability, it is a very rare gift. Because of its rare nature, some people think telekinesis is not possible. But mind you, it is real and many famous psychics have shown how this extraordinary power works. Truth is, every person has some degree of a psychic ability within, but they are not just aware of their hidden powers.

Since a psychic ability is innate in each person, these hidden talents can be unlocked and developed to reach their full potential. True telekinetic power can be unleashed in 3 steps. These are enumerated as follows:

STEP 1: BEING IN THE RIGHT STATE OF MIND. Being in the right state of mind means being in focus with the right mindset - the right purpose and motivation. To be to successfully unlock your psychic side, you must have the right reasons for wanting to develop your special psychic ability. You need to have focus on your goal (which is to hone your special gift), and have the will power and mindset to achieve your goal. Though you are focused on your goal and to achieve it, you must always keep an open mind at all times.

STEP 2: CLEANSING YOURSELF. The next step is to cleanse yourself. Now that you have had the proper mind set and focus to achieve your goal, you must now concentrate in the ways to get to your destination. Take note, no psychic ability can flourish in unpure and unclean vessels. You need to cleanse yourself so that you can take in new knowledge and a new way of life. You may start the cleansing process by shifting to a more health and clean lifestyle. Remember, your goal as you cleanse yourself, is to create an ideal environment for nourishing your psychic ability.

STEP 3: PRACTICING YOUR GIFT. The third step of course is to practice. Set a regular time schedule to practice. When you practice, be consistent. A lot of people, as in any other goal, when they don't set aside time to practice that goal, often become unsuccessful. Start practicing your psychic ability by planning things out. Make a systematic method in order to achieve your goal. Just remember, it takes a lot of effort to learn this psychic ability, and it will really take a huge amount of practice.

These are just three steps to hone the basics of your telekinetic psychic ability. Of course, there are other advanced methods you can use, and you can even seek guidance or professional advice from psychics in your journey to discover your inner psychic ability.

However, no matter what method you use to develop telekinesis, always remember that everything can't be done overnight. Developing a psychic gift takes time, dedication, commitment, and utmost discipline.

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