Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Find Out What Your Soul Has Planned For You In 2010.

By Mona Wind

Through an Akashic record reading you can find out what adventures and challenges your soul has signed up for. Every 12 month cycle gives you an opportunity to find out what is coming your way and be prepared for the lessons and changes in 2010.

The Akashic records are the vibrational library of your soul's journey. Not your personality, but your soul. In this library are stored all your life's experiences, thoughts and feelings from this life time and past life times. It also holds the outline of your future. Until the last century only mystics, scholars and saints had access to the records. The most well known Akashic reader from the last century was Edgar Cayce. Because of the change in energy on the planet in the last few decades, reading your records has become easier.

Your choice to come to earth was fueled by the desire to accelerate and grow as much as possible. You chose your family group carefully to help you learn specific life lessons. Your friends, relatives and acquaintances mutually agreed to help you on your journey. You sat with your masters, teachers and loved ones to determine the plan of action and who would fit each job well. You have free will of course which gives you the chance to change anything at anytime.

If you ask yourself the question, "Why do I keep doing this?" . Then you are trying to understand your blueprint, your Akashic records. Why you chose what you chose . By having a reading done you can heal past patterns and blocks that no longer serve you. Once you understand the lessons of your soul by hearing the truth, you release yourself from repeating the same pattern. Your blueprint changes immediately, therefore the outcome of your future.

Once you understand what the lessons are and hear the truth, you do not have to make the same mistakes over and over again. You have the benefit of making different choices, healing blocks and accelerating your growth.

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