Saturday, January 7, 2012

Psychics 101 Oracle Card Reading

By Elliot Northouse

From a young age I have been interested in psychics and astrology but I hadn't ever really believed that somebody could be actually clairvoyant. I have read about meditation, mediums and numerologists but up until that summer's day I got my fortune read through oracle card reading, I was still a sceptic. It wasn't until a short time later when everything foretold came to pass that I actually believed. For 1 or 2 months leading up to that day, I was consistently stressed and subjected to deep anxiety from my career. Nothing was going right and day to day the apprehension and stress grew worse.

On the day of my meeting with the clairvoyant, I was walking down the boardwalk attempting to clear my head. I was not thinking about where I was going and ended up in an old neighborhood, lined with little shops. In the midst of happy store fronts there loomed a strange, dark building with a sign advertising fortune telling and tarot card readings. Against my better judgment, I was drawn into this building.

As I entered the dull room, I was ushered in by a young and cheerful woman, so different from the usual psychics I'd always imagined. I was advised my arriving had been predicted and I thought that this must just be what every single customer was told. As I sat down uneasily, the clairvoyant started to tell me intimate details about my current situation that gave me the shivers, like she had been watching me. She then asked if I wished to have my cards read. At this point, I was so thoroughly put out of my ease that I thought I had nothing to lose.

As the mystic spread out the tarot cards out on the table, I started to feel far more concerned, thinking about what was in store for me. After a long moment of silence the clairvoyant told a story of struggle, signs, and cross roads. I still had in the back of my mind the nagging thought that this was all a hoax. Part of me wished to believe, but I could not let go of the doubt. After the reading was over, I walked back to my apartment turning the events of the past hours again and again in my head. I was still stressed and concerned but the aromatherapy of the visit still lingered over me, putting me in nearly a trance as I went along with the remainder of the day.

I didn't really think much about the meeting over the subsequent few weeks but once in a while it would pop into my thoughts. After a month, I had moved on with my fast paced life and had virtually forgotten the experience until one day the first of a dozen signs that the mystic warned me about popped up. Over the next few months, foretold events started falling in place. After weeks of battling, I couldn't help but believe. The oracle changed the course of my life and helped me move past the most challenging part of my life.

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