Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Astrological Sky From the chinese language Monastery

By William Hardy


They feel that if you channel your life according to the heavens you are fine. Human affairs and events from the sky had some connection. You can not just foretell the future but also understand what one was expected to try and do to make your life smoothly. The opposite was that to go against the signs within the sky would be to violate the prescribed pattern of nature.

Lau Tzu

Lay Tzu, a quite famous Chinese and also the father of Daoism believed quite strongly in nature as guider. He as numerous others previous to and right after him believed inside a spiritual entity or deity. He was just clever adequate not to give it a name after which defend it. For him it was ample to refer to it as : 'The Way'


It was due to this connection in between the Heaven and yourself that the Chinese recorded the events as it unfolded above them. Though mostly secondary and distorted, records dated back as far as 1500 BC. had been found.


Somehow an eclipse had a specific attraction for numerous cultures as well as the Chinese was no acceptation. A typical account is an inscription of an eclipse as well as the suicide of a King named Ching. Other times they foretell that damaging items would happen. Quite a few times it did. Do the Heavens play a role and have a direct influence in our lives?

As a follower of Astronomy I find it tough to believe in pure Astrology. I can see why the earlier Chinese Astronomers believed differently but I nevertheless wonder what they would have idea about their individual beliefs had they recognized far more about the Universe.

But most significant is that they did not only think from the sky, they had firsthand knowledge about its appearance and could notice any improve of it. One thing I don't discover in modern Astrology or I fail to see.

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