Sunday, January 2, 2011

Psychic Predictions - Fact Or Fiction?

By Tana Hoy

Psychic predictions have been debated between the believers and the skeptics. Psychic predictions can be viewed from many angles, at least this is what the skeptics say.

For people who believe in the psychic world, there is no explanation needed, because they know that the psychic world is as real as our world.

But for the skeptics out there, all things related to the psychic realm is not real, and they also think that there is an explanation for all things related to it.

When a skeptical person is shown very solid evidence and facts, they still say that there is a reasonable explanation. If you have ever seen any of the predictions made by Nostradamus hundreds of years ago, they are very incredible! Nostradamus mentions a holocaust, and names a man called "Hisler". He was only off by one later, and the skeptics still insist that he could have been talking about anyone. Nostradamus' prediction was made 400 years ago.

Believers already understand that psychics have the innate ability to give psychic predictions with pin-point accuracy, because many believers have had psychic readings for themselves.

Anybody who has ever gotten a psychic reading knows the extreme power and energy that occurs in a reading.

The skeptics will try and tell you that that psychic predictions are very vague, very general, and they can be applicable to anyone. They always use the same explanation.

The idea that many skeptics are practicing magicians, explains their skepticism. James Randy, a well-know debunker, as he calls himself believes that since magicians can duplicate many of the psychic feats, they are not real. James Randy is not a believer in much of anything, even outside of the psychic world.

Keeping an open mind is very helpful, but keeping an inflexible belief system can be outright dangerous! Psychic predictions that became accurate are in history books all through history. Psychic predictors can be of help when you want to stay away from things that might not be beneficial if you don't know to stay away from them.

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