Friday, January 7, 2011

Psychic Medium - A Healing Technique That You Can Use On Your Loved Ones

By Tana Hoy

Apart from serving as channels to communicate with the other side, a psychic medium can give you guidance in different aspects of life. One of them is healing, something which a psychic medium is very good at.

Let's say you have someone who is need of emotional, mental, or even physical healing; well naturally, it would seem that you can't do anything to help them. However, with the guidance of a psychic medium, you can learn how to send healing energy to those who need it.

A psychic medium achieves this with 5 steps using a meditation technique. The 5 steps are:

STEP 1: You have to center your own energy. How? Put yourself in a comfortable position in a really quiet room or place, and then concentrate on balancing your energy.

STEP 2: Concentrate and focus really well. Next, visualize the face of the person that you want to send healing energy to.

STEP 3: Visualize a bright white light shining down from the heavens. Imagine this bright light embracing the person you're thinking of.

STEP 4: Then, you can will the beam of light to comfort the person. Imagine that its an embrace filled with warmth and healing.

STEP 5: When done with the last 4 steps, it's now time to open your eyes... you have now successfully made a white light shield around your loved one.

As you can see, in as simple as 5 steps, you can send healing energy to the ones you love. However, even though the process just seems like a simple meditation technique, this is actually the exact method that a psychic medium uses to heal those in need. Go ahead and try this method. Meditate to send healing energy, and then after you've carried out the process, try to ask the person you've sent healing energy to if they feel better.

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