Saturday, November 27, 2010

Psychic Predictions - The Wild, Weirdest, And The Most Accurate!

By Tana Hoy

Psychic predictions are fascinating. Some psychic predictions seem very realistic, while others seem like they are very far fetched.

There are some psychic predictions that have been made by famous psychics, and other psychic predictions have made some psychics very famous.

One example is the astrologer Jean Dixon, who was an astrologer in the 1960's. She predicted the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, and she also accurately predicted the death of Martin Luther King. Her psychic predictions made her very famous, drawing international recognition to her name.

Tana Hoy, a psychic medium, predicted the Oklahoma City bombing on a live radio broadcast, 90-minutes before the blast occurred. He also went on to predict the bombing that took place in Atlanta Georgia during the Olympics, the following summer! His psychic predictions also created an international recognition of his name.

There was the famous Peter Hurkos of the 1970's, who loved to mingle with famous celebrities, and was well-know for his type of psychic predictions - missing person cases! The list goes on and on for these types of psychics.

But still, some of these psychics seem to be from another planet with their psychic predictions. The psychics of the 1960's predicted such things as the world was going to end by the year 2000. Some even went as for to claim that we would be living on the planet Mars by the year 2000.

Some even believed that Califormnia would disappear into the sea by the year 1999. Some psychics of that time predicted that human being would not be using automobiles, but will have mastered the art of levitation, and be using it for transportation!

The list of way out predictions goes on and on. You can search some of these crazy psychic predictions on the internet. You can also find some really good ones there too!

Psychic predictions come in all varieties! Psychic predictions can be interesting to follow, especially when they are made by reputable psychics. As with all things, the more reputable the psychic, the more accurate will be their psychic predictions!

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