Sunday, November 21, 2010

Psychic Medium - How To Communicate With The Spirit World Using Mental Telepathy

By Tana Hoy

A Psychic Medium, Telepathy, And The Spirit World

A psychic medium is well-known for the very rare psychic gift to communicate with the spiritual realm. Apart from this extraordinary ability, a psychic medium is also blessed with other psychic powers. One of these psychic powers is the gift of telepathy.

It is said that one of the strongest forms of communication with the spiritual realm is by means of telepathy. Through a psychic medium's telepathic powers, a psychic medium is able to successfully receive and send out messages to those who are in the spiritual realm -- angels, spirit guides, and spirits of those who have passed on.

The Truth Behind The Amazing Gift Of Telepathy

Probably, you have heard of telepathy and telepaths. But the question is, how much do you know about telepathy?

By definition, the gift of telepathy is known as the special ability of mind-to-mind communication. It's a process wherein there is direct transfer of thoughts, feelings, and/or impressions from one mind to another. In other words -- telepathy is mind-to-mind communication.

3 Ways To Develop Your Telepathic Ability For Spirit Communication

Now that we have established what telepathy really is, and how psychic medium use their mental telepathic skills to communicate with the spirit world, you're probably curious to know if you can also learn how to communicate with the spirit world through mental telepathy.

Truth is, everyone can learn how to use telepathy for communicating with those who are on the "other side" just like how a psychic medium does it. Because every person is born naturally psychic, it is very much possible to develop telepathic abilities; and here 3 ways to do that:

#1: Meditate

Every medium on this planet will tell you that meditation is the key ingredient to develop your psychic abilities. In order to engage in mind-to-mind communication, you need a good amount of concentration in order to have your mind in proper condition for telepathic communication. Clear your mind, and you can surely develop the telepathic gift.

#2: Search For More Knowledge

Do a lot of research about the gift of telepathy. In the process of expanding your knowledge base, you can learn a lot of secrets and techniques to develop your inner psychic.

#3: Seeking The Guidance Of An Expert Psychic Medium

The best way to develop telepathic psychic gifts for spirit communication, is of course with the help of spiritual communication experts themselves -- psychic mediums. A psychic medium can teach you the techniques and exercises to practice in order to develop your telepathic abilities.

Besides these three, remember a few words of advice when trying to gain the skill of telepathy: Keep an open mind so you can reach a higher state of awareness so you can develop your psychic skills, practice diligently in order to sharpen your telepathic skills, and, lastly but most importantly, have faith. All these three will surely give you the opportunity to unlock this dormant skill of mind reading that lies within you.

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