Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Varieties Of Psychic Advice And Advisors

By Miss Esther

In this age of enlightenment, interest in psychic activities and the paranormal has never been higher. Every one of us probably knows someone who either believes in these abilities or psychic phenomenon, and many people believe we all are born with either active or latent psychic talents. The use of psychics and other types of healers by those who need some support, advice, and guidance is quite common today. These paranormal abilities can generally be broken down into the following groups:

Psychics, in general, are people gifted with highly-developed paranormal powers, and those that practice their craft professionally are generally considered to be the most legitimate. Psychics obtain higher guidance and insights through one or more psychic powers that they have. You will occasionally hear about "psychic detectives" assisting law enforcement in criminal investigations such as kidnappings or missing persons. They can also be hired by corporate and private interests.

Extra-sensory perception, or ESP, is the ability to get information using faculties that go beyond our typical five senses. It involves using these five senses in a highly concentrated manner, and brings in the sixth sense of intuition to augment the other five. ESP is used as a catch-all term for all psychic powers.

"Readers" are intuitive or psychic, and some are not. There are many types of readings that can be performed such as reading palms, Tarot cards, chicken bones, playing cards, runes, tea leaves, smoke patterns, animal entrails, etc. However, reading is more of a learned psychic skill rather than one that you're born with.

An "intuitive" is able to access a higher level of guidance and information through their use of a highly developed sense of intuition. "Intuition" is the manner in which higher guidance communicates with us and guides us with our own "inner voice". A "medical intuitive" is a psychic who specializes in providing guidance and knowledge about health issues and diseases that someone may be suffering from.

Automatic writing is the ability of a psychic to transcribe knowledge, guidance, and other insights into writing, either typed or handwritten. These thoughts emanate from beyond the psychic's own conscious mind. It follows the same construct as channeling, although instead using a written format.

Channeling is the ability of a psychic to receive messages from a higher guidance or spiritual entity. The "channeler" usually delivers the information orally, but it can also be given in written form. (See automatic writing.)

Clairvoyance is a French word meaning "clear seeing", referring to the clairvoyant's ability to "see" visions and receive visual images and impressions. These visions are often seen through the "mind's eye" or the "third eye".

Clairaudience is the psychic ability to "hear" messages from a higher presence, either normally through their ears or inaudibly through their mind. This is essentially another form of telepathy. Clairsentience is the ability to sense auras, energies, or emotions from people, locations or inanimate objects. This is also referred to as empathy, and a clairsentient person is frequently referred to as an "empath".

A medium is a psychic who communicates with spirits of the deceased who have already passed on over to the other side of existence. Mediums generally hold seances, or group sessions, where the spirits are invoked in the hope of receiving knowledge and other information for the group.

Telepathy is essentially mind-to-mind communication between two or more people. It is also known as "mind reading".

Psychometrists are psychics that can draw either specific insights or general information from the energy of objects like photos and letters, or locations through clairsentience.

Remote viewing is the ability to "see" people, places and things in remote time and space. The spy agencies of many countries have experimented extensively with remote viewing over decades for national security purposes.

Scrying is the psychic ability to see images or visions, usually in shiny surfaces like mirrors, crystal balls, and even water.

Trance channeling is when the psychic enters into an altered state of meditation or trance, and then allows an entity from a higher level of knowledge to speak through them.

Many sources of psychic assistance are available locally and over the internet. When you consider their easy availability, and the fact that many people are feeling stressed and overwhelmed these days, should anyone wonder why the interest in - and use of - psychics continues to grow?

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