Saturday, May 8, 2010

A Psychic Ability Secret Revealed: The 9 Pillars of Psychic Awareness

By Tana Hoy

All of us has an inborn psychic ability, and each person has a different level of powers. Then again, not everyone is aware that they have an inborn gift and because of this, they cannot fully unlock the true power of their psychic side. But in reality, there are a many number of ways that psychic gifts can be unlocked.

The 9 Elements of Psychic Ability Awareness

Let me reveal a psychic ability secret -- the key to unlock your inner psychic power is by perfecting the state of psychic awareness. Psychic awareness goes by 9 pillars. When all these states are achieved, your psychic powers will relatively flourish with them. Here is a rundown of the 9 psychic ability pillars of psychic awareness:

1. SELF CONTROL. Always remember, the first requirement to feed any psychic ability is to be pure. As a key to enrich psychic ability, self control means that you are able to protect yourself from the influence of others. By nature, everybody is pure -- in body, mind, heart, and spirit; yet all that has changed as time flew by because of all the negative influences are out in the open.

2. HUMILITY. The discovery of any psychic ability is enhanced by the enthusiasm to learn and express understanding, as well as pursuing the well-being of others and giving to the environment by being an exceptional example while remaining humble.

3. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. Psychic gifts should be used for good reasons, to do good deeds, without looking for anything in return.

4. CALMNESS AND FOCUS. In other words, you must exhibit "grace under pressure". Take note that we always need to keep cool and be focused to maintain an open mind, and so we may get in touch with our inner psychic gifts.

5. NON-ATTACHMENT. Do not get attached to any material possession. Bear in mind that to fully unlock the true power of your psychic ability, your intentions must always be pure.

6. INTUITION. You have to master the use of your natural intuitive psychic ability. Believe in your intuition, trust your instincts.

7. SELF KNOWLEDGE. Proper meditation is the secret to understand yourself better. Remember, no one knows you more than you know yourself. With self knowledge, you can realize your strengths and weaknesses.

8. HAPPINESS. To fully develop the drive of your psychic ability, find true happiness -- the sort of happiness is one with unchanging inner peace and bliss, that is not found in material objects. Once you have accomplished all prior states of psychic consciousness, you will reach true happiness.

9. FREEDOM. Last but not least, once you have perfected all the other 8 elements, you can now experience that state of freedom; you will now be in that condition in where your inner psychic is free to take off and your psychic ability will be at full force!

These 9 pillars of psychic consciousness have a crucial role to tap into the real power within you. However, before you'll start with your voyage, the initial thing you must do above anything else is to keep an optimistic mind and have that perseverance to pursue the journey of tapping into the true psychic in you!

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