Sunday, May 2, 2010

Just What Is Name Numerology Anyway?

By Alurra Marconi

To understand name numerology better just think of it as a tool to help you understand more about your personality traits and a guide to help you determine your life path. You will use your full birth name and assign a numerical value to each letter to eventually wind up with only one number. This number will then be used to assign a personality trait that corresponds with your name. These interpretations are not set in stone and ultimately it will depend on the person that is doing the reading. It is important to set aside your preconceptions and try to look at it objectively.

Basic Name Numerology

Although name numerology interpretations may differ, a system called digit summing will be used to reduce your name to a number. When using your name you will add up all the numbers of each corresponding letter. For example A=1 B=2 C=3 etc. You will add up all the numbers until you reach a single digit. An example would be if your name was Bob you would calculate it like this: B=2 O=15 B=2: 2+1+5+2 =10: 1+0 =1. Your name numerology number would be 1. If your number results in an 11, 22 or 33 then you will not reduce it to a single digit because these are called master numbers and are considered to be very special numbers indeed.

When you have completed your name numerology calculations you will refer to a numerology chart to help you determine your life path and also your individual personality traits. One point to remember is that each number holds a specific energy vibration that will tell you your level of energy and potential. If you did have one of the master numbers then you should get a professional reading to learn the significance. You may be very surprised at what you find out about yourself.

Although not an exact science, name numerology is very popular and can be used to help you understand the inner workings of your mind and also help you to make some life path decisions.

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