Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Your Inner Psychic: 5 Simple Methods To Become More Psychic

By Tana Hoy

You are a born a genuine psychic. You have psychic abilities which just require a bit of awakening so that you can work with it and increase your psychic potential. Now, you might think that this will always necessitate you to assign specific hours to build it up. You might also think that you will need to allot a budget for certain psychic tools. But, you can actually draw out the psychic in you using ordinary, everyday things!

You can use regular items for letting out your inner psychic, and you can do this in enjoyable ways! In the process, you are activating your own natural psychic functions, and having fun at the same time! You can just find any thing lying around your home or work space, pick it up, and give your inner psychic a little prod!

You can check out these easy exercises whenever you desire. Just look around you and you will certainly discover something that can immediately bring about your inner psychic, making the time worth your while!

This list is meant to help you get an idea of what common things you can use for calling on your inner psychic. But do not be limited to the items in this list - there are tons of other things you can use for awakening your inner psychic! These are just some examples to get you started!

Any blackish, reflective surface - like a blank TV or computer screen, or even black tea or coffee!

You can practice this to acquire better judgment of any defined situation. Sit quietly in front the blank screen of your TV or computer, or across your cup of black coffee. Take a few deep breaths and rid your mind of any thoughts. Then, let your eyes rest on the reflective surface and focus on an issue you wish to resolve. An insight will come to you in your mind's eye.

Aromatic candles

Lighting some fragrant candles helps develop an ambience for you so you can comfortably do some visualization work. Simply light a scented candle on a safe dish and take pleasure in its aroma. Sit down cozily and close your eyes. Let the fragrance carry your thoughts to cheerful memories or aspired events. Your thoughts might just accompany you towards an excellent idea or unexpected resolution.

A piece of apple!

Choose an apple for you to eat. While holding the apple, clearly ask yourself a question that is answerable by a Yes or No. Eat the apple. When you are finished, count the seeds. Apple seeds can range from 3 to 10 pieces. An odd number of seeds indicates a No. An even number of seeds indicates a Yes.

A book with lots of text

In this exercise, you find your answers in a book! First, pick any book. While holding the closed book, think of a question you want answered. When the question is clear in your mind, open the book to a random page and let your finger point to any random part of the opened page. Take a look at the word or phrase your finger lands on. This should give you your answer or lead you to find the actual answer.

A paper, pen, and your thoughts!

With a paper and pen in hand, write down a word that first comes to your mind. From this word, write down the first thing you associate with it. Then write the first word you associate with this, and so on. While doing this, you are letting your mind run with a train of associated words behind it. Eventually, you will either come up with a great idea, or find a specific pattern in your list which will tell you something meaningful.

So offer your inner psychic a little push! No matter how active you are, you can always permit your inner psychic to come out and do a little stretching! In light and fun ways, you keep your psychic self sharp and always at work! You just might astonish yourself how far your inner psychic can go just by your constant practice of the above tips!

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