Sunday, October 4, 2009

Use A Psychic Journal As A Psychic Development Tool

By Tana Hoy

Do you realize that you are a psychic being? Maybe you cannot mentally lift objects or provide answers to unasked questions, but it does not mean that you are not a psychic being. You ARE a natural psychic. You have a natural desire and inclination to fully immerse yourself in life and experience everything it has to offer - all its joys, lessons, and gifts.

Living fully is what your inner self is inspiring you to do. This inner self - your psychic self - radiates with the perfection of love and wisdom. So as you remain aware of it and in touch with it, you are enlightened and guided as you journey through this life.

There are signposts everywhere which will help to guide you in your life. These signposts come in the forms of a teacher, a spiritual leader, a parent, a friend, or anyone who can provide you with guidance and advice whenever you need it. Signposts can also be in the form of personal experiences or events in the life of others.

But you will not be able to identify these signposts around you if you cannot connect with your inner self. That is why your psychic self, which is a perpetual fountain of goodness, love, and wisdom, is the first person you should listen to. Those around you may give you tips and advice, but in the end, you will need to look within to find your own answers. Your inner self has the key.

So, in order to keep in touch with your inner self, it is wise to keep your very own psychic journal. A reflection of the self, this is your companion whenever you need to express thoughts, access information from previous experiences, or ask a question! Most of the time, the answers are already within you; you just need to be reminded that they are there.

You can write about several things in your psychic journal. It is, after all, an expression of you. But here are a few ideas on how to use your journal:

1. Notes on Your Psychic Readings

Keep a record of all your psychic readings. Take note of all the advice given to you, predictions that have come true, and action plans that you need to follow through to address any recurring issues.

2. Progress of Your Psychic Ability

Write about your observations about your progress. Feel free to write about challenges or moments of difficulty too. In every phase of your learning, there are always valuable lessons meant for you to learn.

3. Highlights of Your Psychic Development

Certain techniques will give you desired results. Magnify them! You can also make a continued record of all achievements, working your way towards more specific or specialized goals. These can serve as your inspiration when you feel discouraged.

4. Psychic Experiences

Apart from keeping a record of all your routines and practices, it is also a brilliant idea for you to take note of any other experiences you might have which contribute to your psychic experiences. Meeting a highly advanced psychic individual, for example, is something worth writing about.

5. Psychic Train of Thoughts

Write about all your thoughts, concerns, apprehensions, joys, or anything that is in your mind. Even when your mind is filled with questions and wonder, it can still present you with answers and wisdom.

Keeping track of all these things provides you a rich reference for the future. By keeping a psychic journal, an aspect of the self that needs recognition may be discovered. Pieces of a puzzle accumulated through time may show you the finished picture when you least expect it. Patterns from the past may surface in the present, leaving you with the key to deal with the future.

Your psychic journal will hold your past. It will absorb anything your input in the present and can open your eyes even. It will be your map to your future. As it carries all aspects of you, it also brings you to where your inner self wants you to be. Your psychic journal is your ultimate companion in your psychic journey!

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