Even the most basic google search on the topic of the moon can leave us amazed; it has, it would appear, been the inspiration for musicians and poets, the world over for time imemorial. Mythic language, paintings, photographs, art, music, literature, the list is endless of how the moon has the power to affect us profoundly, right down into our soul.
The direct action the moon has on the earth, through the ebb and flow of tides is what science has taught us and its cycles are poured over by astronomers and astrologists alike. Is the reason why the moon has such a strange effect on us that, like the tides, are bodies are subject to the same ebbs and flows?
Perhaps that happens, but I personally believe that the Moon is far more mysterious than that! Science and the knowledge gained from gazing through a telescope, don't explain why the moon is so powerfully reflected in archetypal symbolism. The moon is rich with imagery of the feminine - the receptive moon, absorbing and reflecting the light of the sun, her lover. But I would encourage you to look a little more closely at the moon, listen that little bit more intently - you'll begin to realize that all that poetry and music and art isn't just an expression of archetypal symbolism....
I see the moon as a sentient being with her own soul and voice, someone who speaks directly to us. In our rich and wonderful universe the moon is our friend, a very powerful woman, who watches over our world constantly and keeps us safe. She has a soft and comforting light that goes into our hearts and speaks to us. She has a song too that can awaken that part of our soul, our spirit, that needs healing. We can be revitalised for each day. The moon can reassure and tell us that all will somehow be right with the world.
There are things that can only be seen by the light of the moon - her ability goes far beyond normal thinking. She allows us to trust and in our minds we are allowed to dream and new possibilities come to being. No nook or crannie in our mind is closed to the light of the moon. Our "heart-mind". This light is soft but persistent; nothing will stop it from sinking into our imaginings so that we become ready to be more aware of fulfillment in our consciousness. The moon is the parent that brings forth the repetative dream; quietly and persistently presenting us with all he knowledge we need. She takes the scary or disturbing and quietens them, easing away the harsh realities until they can be dissolved away into our psyches.
Of course the moon can have moods, now exactly like a woman! Each of her phases can bring a change in her tone. In her newness, she is quiet, but moves forward confidently through each phase till she comes forth with abundance at her fullness. This is where her heart is full, when she gives herself fully to the sun offering up the light, so golden and warm, to all of us. Even when we are covered with clouds, somehow her voice rings through; reminding us that whatever the gloom, she can penetrate it. Then, just as summer turns to autumn, her voice becomes softer as she starts to wan into her diminishing phases. This is not a time for sadness, but one for peace for she, and we know she will soon come around and be open again when the time is right.
Most importantly, the Moon helps us to embrace the mystery of the universe. She sings and reminds us of the parts of our stories in the past - she creates a passage to the resources of our past, the knowledge and wisdom of our past lives, our accumulated and shared experiences. She is a communicator of hope because she forgets nothing, and helps us to remember the depths of our soul and the extraordinary abundance of that shared place.
Is it any wonder that she has inspired so many and been honored so deeply throughout the human story?
The direct action the moon has on the earth, through the ebb and flow of tides is what science has taught us and its cycles are poured over by astronomers and astrologists alike. Is the reason why the moon has such a strange effect on us that, like the tides, are bodies are subject to the same ebbs and flows?
Perhaps that happens, but I personally believe that the Moon is far more mysterious than that! Science and the knowledge gained from gazing through a telescope, don't explain why the moon is so powerfully reflected in archetypal symbolism. The moon is rich with imagery of the feminine - the receptive moon, absorbing and reflecting the light of the sun, her lover. But I would encourage you to look a little more closely at the moon, listen that little bit more intently - you'll begin to realize that all that poetry and music and art isn't just an expression of archetypal symbolism....
I see the moon as a sentient being with her own soul and voice, someone who speaks directly to us. In our rich and wonderful universe the moon is our friend, a very powerful woman, who watches over our world constantly and keeps us safe. She has a soft and comforting light that goes into our hearts and speaks to us. She has a song too that can awaken that part of our soul, our spirit, that needs healing. We can be revitalised for each day. The moon can reassure and tell us that all will somehow be right with the world.
There are things that can only be seen by the light of the moon - her ability goes far beyond normal thinking. She allows us to trust and in our minds we are allowed to dream and new possibilities come to being. No nook or crannie in our mind is closed to the light of the moon. Our "heart-mind". This light is soft but persistent; nothing will stop it from sinking into our imaginings so that we become ready to be more aware of fulfillment in our consciousness. The moon is the parent that brings forth the repetative dream; quietly and persistently presenting us with all he knowledge we need. She takes the scary or disturbing and quietens them, easing away the harsh realities until they can be dissolved away into our psyches.
Of course the moon can have moods, now exactly like a woman! Each of her phases can bring a change in her tone. In her newness, she is quiet, but moves forward confidently through each phase till she comes forth with abundance at her fullness. This is where her heart is full, when she gives herself fully to the sun offering up the light, so golden and warm, to all of us. Even when we are covered with clouds, somehow her voice rings through; reminding us that whatever the gloom, she can penetrate it. Then, just as summer turns to autumn, her voice becomes softer as she starts to wan into her diminishing phases. This is not a time for sadness, but one for peace for she, and we know she will soon come around and be open again when the time is right.
Most importantly, the Moon helps us to embrace the mystery of the universe. She sings and reminds us of the parts of our stories in the past - she creates a passage to the resources of our past, the knowledge and wisdom of our past lives, our accumulated and shared experiences. She is a communicator of hope because she forgets nothing, and helps us to remember the depths of our soul and the extraordinary abundance of that shared place.
Is it any wonder that she has inspired so many and been honored so deeply throughout the human story?
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