Thursday, March 11, 2010

A Psychic Medium's 3 Safety Tips When Using A Ouija Board

By Tana Hoy

A lot of the psychic mediums we have today would forbid anyone from using Ouija boards. Their reason is that although it's just a game for the users, it can open a gateway to the mysterious and dark realms of the universe. The board in itself is just a toy, and is not evil so to speak, but the communication that its players are establishing with the other world can be hazardous to the players' psyche and souls.

When playing with Ouija boards, one of the players assumes the position of a medium, one takes the role of a writer (to write the messages being spelled out by the spirit on the board), and the rest are simply participants. The spirits whom the medium contacts are believed to belong to the lower astral plane, which is a hell-like dimension, where spirits of those who have lived a rather unproductive, evil, and dysfunctional life go after being pronounced clinically dead. Clearly, this is why psychic mediums prevent people from contacting these beings. It is not a very good thing. And according to many accounts, more bad stuff comes out of such sessions rather than helpful ones.

More often than not, more than one spirit will attempt to come through our realm using the Ouija board. Risks start to increase when players ask for physical proof. Did you know that asking for this is tantamount to granting these spirits permission to do whatever they want in our physical plane? Once this happens, it's so difficult to bring them back to where they came from, especially if done by amateur players.

If there is an authentic psychic medium among the players, playing with a Ouija board is not anymore necessary, especially if the goal is to just see spirits and ghosts, and know their messages. Psychic mediums can clearly see Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels and other supernatural beings. And the good thing about having a psychic medium around is that, they are able to communicate with the good spirits and ask for their help, rather than see the evil ones.

But if you are geared towards using a Ouija board, it is good to have a psychic medium around, to at least guide you in the process, and make sure that the bad spirits stay where they belong. In case you can't get hold of one psychic medium, try following these steps to at least ensure your safety when playing with a Ouija board.

3 Safety Tips When Using A Ouija Board

1. Have the psychic medium role player announce to the group that your Ouija board session is about to start now. Tell the whole group that positive vibes and energies are very much welcome, but bad and negative energies are not.

2. Don't ever ask for physical proof from the spirits that you will be contacting.

3. As soon as the whole group is finished with the session, slide the planchette or Ouija pointer to the word 'GOODBYE', remove your hands, and tightly close the Ouija board.

Failing to do these measures, especially the third one, may lead to having bad spirits stuck around your house. There are accounts that told stories of Ouija pointers flying off the board as if controlled by unseen forces. Some people have also been harassed by bad spirits even after the session has finished. So, just to be on the safe side, make sure you do these steps.

The Game of Quija board is to be taken seriously. It is not just a game that kids can play. There are spirits all around us, both good and bad, that cannot wait to enter the Earthly dimension once again. It would be best if you have a psychic medium with you during the whole process of your game. Otherwise, follow the tips, be ready for the things that can happen next and most importantly, take care.

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