Thursday, June 18, 2009

Psychics Have a Long History to their Practice

By James Bender

You might have had one in your attic or basement when you were younger - that strange board with the letters on it that was rumored to have the power to spell out messages to you from the spirit world. Perhaps you and your friends even experimented with it when your parents were away. The Ouija board was a common fixture in many homes for decades, and while considered a toy or object of curiosity by many people, it has been and continues to be a powerful tool for psychic readings by trained and gifted psychics.

Psychic readings using Ouija boards should always involve those who seek to harness the knowledge of positive spirits. Failure to take the proper precautions can lead to improper use and negative results, which is one reason why so many people continue to associate the boards with the releasing of evil spirits. However, there is little evidence to support those beliefs, while the evidence of positive experiences with Ouija-enhanced readings is abundant. Ouija boards have performed well in so-called double-blind tests, where the operator of the board is kept unaware of the question being posed to demonstrate that the board is indeed providing a conduit to the spirit world. These tests were specifically designed to prevent the operator from subconsciously imposing his or her own perspectives into the answers the board spells out.

Divination, or the art of foretelling future events, has been practiced by mankind for thousands of years. Practitioners have used a number of methodologies to obtain psychic readings from the divine, both communicating with and receiving guidance from whatever gods held sway at the time. Psychics who perform divination know that the communications received more often than not stem from the psychic's own intuitive nature, and that the methods used for divination are merely tools that allow the accessing of this insight. Crystals have been an essential part of divination since the time of the Egyptians, and have been used by psychics in many ways. One well known use of crystals to obtain information about the future is crystallomancy, or the art of the crystal ball.

Dowsing is an ancient form of divination, and one that most people associate with the finding of water. It has long been used for that purpose, but its application also extends to locating lost objects and consultation with the spirit world for guidance. Dowsers who can effectively utilize the pendulum as a tool in their psychic readings are some of the more psychically attuned individuals in the psychic field, although it is a method that even novice psychics can attempt.

The best psychics only use their crystal balls when their life energy is clear and untainted with negative emotions or thoughts. Since the crystal ball should only be used for psychic readings when the goal is to do something good for the target of the reading, any negativity can adversely impact the outcome of the divination - and can, over time, corrupt the purity of the crystal ball. Purity is essential for clarity of vision and upon the conclusion of any reading the crystal ball should be stored in a safe place, preferably wrapped in silk, to maintain the integrity of its energy.

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