Thursday, May 31, 2012

Today's Horoscope for Leo

By Salvatore Jackson

Real horoscopes are now a rare thing in the world. Now-a-days people just take a look at their daily horoscope and make the fun out of it. The horoscopes have become a daily dose of entertainment available at the newspaper and magazine. But very little few respect astrology as an ancient form of science. Thousands of years ago, people had perceived the natural law, had heard the call of universe echoing under everything around. They understood that a single law unites all and mankind also falls under it. So they tried to discover that hidden law and win the limitation of time and space.

In this, the sign is symbolically represented with a symbol of Nemean lion. According to the mythology, this lion was placed in the constellation of stars by the Greek God Zeus. The Greek mythic superhero Heracles had slain the lion, and in remembrance of this great event Zeus has placed this symbol in the sky. Leo glyph is the mane and the head of the lion. Leo is also associated with God Apollo, Sol, Ra, Helios, Huitzopochtli, Sunna et al. Following Leo, the person will be highly passionate and energetic. Leo love to be pampered and appreciated. They are also very creative and innovative. They possess big heart, full of generosity and warm hearted attitude.

The zodiac is a 360 degree circle classified into twelve segments for twelve signs. Each section comprises of thirty degree area. Following tropical astrology, during that particular time of the year the sun shines upon this zodiac sign of Leo. So people who are born in this time fall under this group. As each sign has special characteristics, so Leo has also its specific traits. The element associated with Leo is fire and it has positive masculine aspect building extrovert attitude. Leo is generally extrovert, stubborn, passionate and energetic. Leo loves attention and recognition. They are very creative and generous. They are very loyal to their partner, but they sometimes react very materialistically and snobbishly. To know horoscope, one has to provide his or her time and date of birth, as well as the place of birth.

If you want to know yourself completely, that astrology aims at, you have to understand how astrology works. Without a proper knowledge of its method you would not be able to hear what it tells. It is a coded knowledge to help you, but you are the best one to help yourself. So if you want to learn horoscopes, then you have to make your basic foundation of astrology strong.

They think themselves as unique and do not like to be compared with others. They like social life a lot and hate to be lonely. Leo do very well with Aries, Gemini, Sagittarius and Libra. Even with Taurus they can work fine with a little bit of working from both sides. It is predicted that this can be shaped with a change in attitude. Though leo are at times insensitive and materialistic, but they may also develop an empathetic feeling and render it with due importance in their personal life as well. Their way to solve a situation at times though centers on money, yet they may come to realize the importance of personal approach as well.

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