Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Metaphysical Properties of Tourmaline - A single in the Real Birthstones of Gemini Astrology Zodiac Sign - Gemini

By Graham Flynn

Late Spring Explodes Everywhere with Energy By the end of May possibly spring is in full force from the Northern Hemisphere: flowers and trees are in full bloom, gardens were planted and are already sprouting, the first brood of child birds has hatched. There's excitement during the air! This really is the excitement and energy from the sign of Gemini. Geminis at their best and worst illustrate the full complexity in the human personality. You will be readily drawn to a Gemini-but acquiring at their real essence and dealing with their energy may not be easy and you need to become on your toes!

Gemini rules the 3rd House-Communication and Excursions.

Mercurial Geminis Gemini's ruling world (Mercury) and symbol (twins) sum up the traits of this sign. Mercury (Greek: Hermes or Apollo) was the Roman god of commerce, eloquence, travel, and-beware!-cunning, and theft. With wings on his sandals and helmet, Mercury swiftly communicated messages among the gods. We now use the term mercurial to mean another person who is eloquent, ingenious, unpredictable, changeable, and tending toward a damaging sort of cunning-all qualities of Geminis.

The planet Mercury, becoming closest on the sun and having the smallest orbit, seems to move the fastest around the sun-it's year is just 88 days long. In astrology Mercury is associated with our mind (intellect, curiosity), all forms of communication, information, science, youthfulness, and travel. Geminis are highly intelligent and they apply their intellect and curiosity to all that attracts their interest. They've a large thirst for knowledge. They excel in speaking and writing.

Gemini is really a masculine air sign, meaning that men and women born under this sign are, again, extremely intelligent, flexible, versatile, and curious. But like water they're not quickly contained-they must often be moving from location to place and simply become bored and restless unless they've constant stimulation. It just isn't tough at all being drawn to Geminis. They're charming, talkative, lively, funny, and quick witted. But appear underneath that likable exterior and you'll find an additional side to consider.

The Two-Sided Gemini Twins The dual nature of Gemini derives inside twin stars (Castor and Pollux) from the constellation, representing the twin brothers of Helen of Troy. Gemini individuals are a complex mix of opposite traits-positives strongly counterbalanced by negatives. For example, their versatile interest in a beneficial several items can come to be flightiness as they flit like a butterfly from one thing for the next. They may possibly pursue a project with beneficial first enthusiasm-and then leave it unfinished. They seek the stimulation of new endeavors, but are not fond on the jobs and discipline required to attain goals.

It is also hard to get a clear sense of who Geminis are and to know what to expect from them because of their tendency being "two faced" and changeable. They have trouble creating decisions and committing themselves to a specific course of action, additional difficult by their capability to determine both sides of any question.

The challenge for Geminis is to apply their many powerful characteristics, although working to develop deeper internal qualities like self-discipline, sustained focus, a jobs ethic, empathy, and reliability.

Professional Outlook for Geminis Geminis do really well in the communication professions-author, teacher, lawyer, and so on. They require a high degree of stimulation and also a minimum of routine in their work. Their keen intellect creates them extremely in a position from the sciences. They're creative individuals who do well from the arts. They are very good at handling quite a few projects at the same time-but may perhaps require for others to finish them.

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