Friday, November 6, 2009

A Psychic Medium and How They Can Connect With The Afterlife

By Tana Hoy

At one time the question might cross your mind -- is there really an afterlife? Truth is, there is. It is even possible to communicate with your loved ones who are in the afterlife. Your connection can be done through a Psychic Medium.

A person who has the ability to communicate with beings in the spirit world or the afterlife is called a Psychic Medium. They possess a special gift that allows spirits from the afterlife to communicate with them or through them. The Psychic Medium must not be confused with a Psychic Reader because they do not have anything to do with fortune telling. The main purpose of a Psychic Medium . The main objective of a Psychic Medium is to prove survival of the human personality after death and to help the bereaved come to terms with their loss. So when you want to communicate with the deceased, you must seek the assistance of a psychic medium.

One of the abilities of a Psychic Medium is to listen and relate conversations between the person wanting to communicate with the deceased and the spirit voices from the afterlife. They can at times go into a trance when they allow the spirit to control their body and speak through it. Aside from this. a Psychic Medium can also relay messages from the spirits to those who wish to contact them with the help of a physical tool, such as a writing instrument.

"Mediumship" is a term that refers to the ability of the Psychic Medium to contact spirits of the dead, angels, or other immaterial entities. In the most basic sense, the role of the Psychic Medium is to facilitate communication with spirits who have messages for non-mediums. A person can just be medium, or a Psychic Medium. People who use the latter term do so in order to let you know that they also have some other psychic skill aside from the ability to communicate with spirit.

Mediumship comes in three types. Physical mediumship is notable for presenting physical evidence of contact. Usually signs of successful contact go through voices, loud raps and noises, materialized objects or spirit bodies, apports, and even levitation. This type is usually done in private sessions in a darkly-lit room with everyone sitting around the table. For this type of mediumship, traditional tools like spirit cabinets, pirit trumpets, and levitation tables are used.

Mental mediumship is another form wherein the Psychic Medium communicates with the spirits through telepathy. It works with the Psychic Medium mentally hearing, seeing, and/or feeling messages from the spirits in the afterlife and then they pass it on to the message recipient.

Lastly, the third type is Trance Mediumship. This is where the Psychic Medium allows the spirits to use their bodies to communicate. In this form, the medium is overshadowed by the spirit communicator and people are allowed to speak directly to the said spirit through the medium.

Whoever said that there is not such thing as the afterlife and that you cannot communicate with the deceased? Everything is possible. Especially with the help of the Psychic Medium.

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