Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Holy Spirit: Let's Talk About That

By Paul Peter

Let's explore the truth about the Holy Spirit and spiritual guidance. Is the Holy Spirit somebody we can individually have a relationship with or do we just blindly believe what we are told about it. If it is that easy to just believe without experiencing how do we plug into the counseling and guidance that is supposed to be available to us directly from the Holy Spirit? These are just questions but important questions that remain unanswered for many professed believers.

Nobody can really define the Holy Spirit in terms we can all understand. The reason for that is because each of our experiences gets filtered and interpreted through our ego mind. What needs to happen in order to communicate a fuller understanding of the Holy Spirit is for people who believe they are already receiving guidance from the Holy Spirit to gather and exchange their experiences with each other. Although not everyone has the same name when referring to their spiritual guidance everyone agrees that the guidance of the Holy Spirit comes from within.

I've heard people who refer to the Holy Spirit as their higher self and others believe that the Holy Spirit is what a guardian angel is. The belief in higher self is the idea that we eventually become an ascended master who then transcends time and space. Maybe the Holy Spirit and Guardian angels are 2 different kinds of beings altogether. Still others believe the Holy Spirit is another name for our Creator God who is everywhere.

What does the Holy Spirit do to guide us?

Why did God give us the gift of the Holy Spirit for our guidance?

What do we need to do to find our spiritual connection?

How long will it take for the Holy Spirit to guide us to everlasting peace?

Because God is everywhere and God is also Spirit we receive guidance from within as well as from outside of ourselves. Often times we may not hear what we already know internally so when we hear it coming from outside of our self its like 2 or more minds coming together and agreeing. The Holy Spirit relates to us individually as well as collectively. Its up to us to be open to the gift of guidance that we have all been given.

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