Saturday, May 30, 2009

Look For Compatible Partner Zodiac Signs For An Ideal Relationship

By Carnie Johnson

I'll let you in on a little secret. Any two zodiac signs CAN get along with one another. It is more than your Sun sign alone that defines your personality and the core of your being. What's more, the aspects and relationships all the planets make to one another in your chart further refines their import.

It's not even that crucial to have two accurate birth times for each partner. Though that is nice to have for personal birth chart use and understanding, just having the day of birth is sufficient in most cases. The concept is to look at the signs of some main personal planets of the boyfriend and the girlfriend or each partner. Then see if one's sign is favorable for the other's planet.

The typical simple reading that you will get is that Sun signs that are 120 degrees apart (also called trine) get along. So Taurus with Virgo and Capricorn go together because they are all earth signs. And these same elements naturally get along. The same would go for the water elements, fire and air elements as compatible zodiac signs.

This concept of mutual reception may be different than what you've possibly read about before with synastry in astrology relationship charts. By focusing on the signs of each individual's planets, one can gain a very nice overview of the benefits, drawbacks, inspirations and challenges in a relationship. Areas of potential comfort and ease along with difficulties and tension can be viewed in this simple way.

So you must consider the traditional astrology sign relationships in my view. Say Ashley's birth chart Moon is in Aries, and Sun is in Capricorn. And say that her potential boyfriend Paul's Sun is in Leo, and his Moon is in Scorpio.

Let's say Person A has a Moon in Taurus. And her partner Person B has a Sun in Cancer. Not only in the Moon exalted in Taurus, meaning that it's one of the Moon's "favorite" signs, but the Moon's favorite sign, the one it rules, is actually Cancer. So Person A, has a great chance of being very emotionally connected and invested in Person B.

You have to look at the planets signs. This is part of traditional astrology. The birth chart will show the temperament of a person. If the two people are naturally inclined to be private, then this might be good. If one is very outgoing and loud and party-like, this may bring the private, secluded person out from their shell for a while. This might be fun for dating. But its hard to fight against someones inner nature. So over time, this type of relationship setup may not work as well.

If the two people are naturally inclined to be private, then this might be good. If one is very outgoing and loud and party-like, this may bring the private, secluded person out from their shell for a while. This might be fun for dating. But its hard to fight against someones inner nature. So over time, this type of relationship setup may not work as well.

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