Tuesday, September 9, 2008

How To Determine Someone's Astrological Element

By Max Blackstone

Is there any way to guess someone's astrological element? It's astonishing when it happens but it's not so easy and requires a lot of practice and a deep understanding of astrology. Here's an easier solution!

So, what's the first step? Here's a very easy way that allows you to guess anyone's astrological element (with a little bit of practice of course).

And the good news is: there are in fact ONLY 4 astrological elements: Fire, Air, Water, and Earth. Every zodiac sign belongs to one of these four elements. And here is how they relate:

The Fire Signs are Passionate Doers (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

Fire signs tend to be outgoing, inspirational and these people often are an inspiration to others. Fire element may become selfish, in-sensitive risk-takers. A lack of fire is indicated by a lack of initiative, inspiration and difficulty in becoming inspired.

Earth Signs are Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn: Persistent Achievers

Earth signs tend to be practical, cautious and have a materialistic approach to life with the need to build solid, 'real' material success. They appreciate long range planning and have the determination to succeed. A lack of earth is indicated by a lack of 'real' world success.

Air Signs are Intellectual Speakers and include Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.

Many times Air signs tend to be natural communicative, extroverted intellectual and enjoy being exposed to different ideas and knowledge. A lack of air is indicated by a lack of the capability to think through and express an idea.

Water Signs are Intuitive Feelers and include Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

Water signs are quite emotional - even if they don't show it - caring, and artistic, but can also tend to exaggerate feelings out of proportion and live in a fantasy world. A lack of water is indicated as a lack of the ability to understand the feeling side of life and to show compassion to those around them.

IMPORTANT: Everyone has a little bit of all of these element within themselves. So there's not anyone who is just a earth or fire sign. But that doesn't matter. Because what you are looking for is: which is the DOMINANT element. And that's all that matters.


To determine someone's astrological element, you'll have to rate the person's personality traits between one and ten points in the following four questions. By answering each question: Give 10 points when the trait is dominant, give only 1 point when there's a lack of of the trait. Give 5 points when you don't know.

Does the person have the traits of a "Passionate Doer"? Please rate between 1 and 10 on how inspirational, passionate and energetic this person is about things that interest that person.

How much of a "Intellectual Talker" is the person? Please rate between 1 and 10 how much communicative and extroverted this person is about new ideas and concepts.

How much of a "Intuitive Feeler" is the person? Please rate between 1 and 10 how emotional, compassionate and introverted this person is about problems and issues.

Does the person have the traits of a "Persistent Worker"? Please rate between 1 and 10 how practical, consistent and materialistic this person is and things that the person wants to achieve.

While answering these questions, try to think of situations where this person had to display these traits in the past. If you've just met the person, go ahead and ask them to tell you a story in which they tell you about their passion, ideas, feelings and achievements.

How to tell: The person's astrological element is the HIGHEST RATING one.

However, if you're unsure about the results or just not yet clear - just go ahead, ask more questions and re-rate the person in all four areas. You'll be flabbergasted how many times this method will be successful. Have a fun time!

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